"How to go back to Mars after 150 seconds"

Six men and women live isolated lives in a narrow dome that assumes life on MarsLong-term mission of NASA will be implementedWe are steadily preparing to send mankind to Mars. However, even if saying "Mars" to one person, TIME is summarizing with a 150 second animation about the round-trip mission to Mars which is actually much more difficult than going to the moon.

To Mars And Back In 150 Seconds | TIME - YouTube

The human race is about to go to Mars, but the height of the hurdle does not compare with going to the moon.

For example, if the distance between the earth and the moon is compared in the field of American football, the distance between the earth and the moon is about 1 yard (about 0.9 meters).

One Mars is a distance equivalent to 120 yards (about 110 meters) plenty from the edge of the field to the end. Compared with the moon, Mars is 120 times farther away.

In order to shorten the distance as much as possible, it is also planned to launch by choosing the place where the orbits of Earth and Mars are the closest.

To go to Mars, of course we use a rocket.

In fact, three planes will be launched before putting an astronaut ... ....

These three aircraft are equipped with long trips to Mars and materials used locally and are supposed to be launched as a starting team.

After that, members of the astronaut said "Orion Capsule(Orion · Capsule) "... ...

One way, I aim for Mars.

"first day"

The launched rocket will separate one after another as it reaches outer space.

Eventually, only the part called "upper stage (upper stage)" and the astronaut's "Orion" will be in state, a long journey to Mars will begin.

"Third day"

The spacecraft aboard the astronauts is docked with a space ship called "crew module" that was launched in advance. Among them, we have all the materials necessary for a long journey of about 200 days.

"Day 3 to Day 216"

Astronauts spend a variety of activities before reaching Mars. Especially, in order to minimize the influence on the body by living long in the zero gravity space, the astronaut needs to exercise periodically.

"Day 217" Finally arrived at Mars.

As the Mars landing approaches, the landing ship docks to the crew module. This was also launched in advance for the material rocket.

Then the landing ship rushed into Martian atmosphere. Nonetheless, the Martian atmosphere is much thinner than the Earth, so difficulty is considered not as high as the Earth.

Finally landed on Mars. It will be the moment that mankind descends for the first time on a planet other than the Earth.

What astronauts who descended on Mars would see ......

Residential space on Mars and a rocket ready for return. These were also all launched with material rockets and were assembled by robots after Mars arrival.

"Day 217 to Day 246"

It is the beginning of the mission for about 29 days. Astronauts will conduct various surveys such as Martian atmosphere, radiation dose, surface sample and so on. Since the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the Mars is less than 1% of the Earth and the temperature is a low temperature of minus 43 degrees on average, the space suit is essential for the activity.

"Day 247" The day will come to leave Mars.

Get on the return rocket and take off for the crew module that orbits over the sky and take off

Then, it transfers to the crew module. The returning rocket which finished the function seems to be destroyed.

And the start of a long journey in which the upper stage rocket engine injects and returns to the earth.

Compared to going to Mars, the way to return to the Earth is relatively easy. We aim at the earth while borrowing the power such as the gravity of Venus on the way.

404 days after leaving Mars, Orion · capsule carrying astronauts on the 651st day counting from the launch is scheduled to arrive at the Earth's sea and return home.

in Vehicle,   Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log