The fourth picture document "Gloria · Codex" to become a clue to Maya civilization goes from imitation to real thing

Maya civilization flourished in the southeastern part of Mexico, Guatemala, Belize during the period from 3000 BC to around the 16 th century BC. As clues to know the Maya civilization, there are ruins and gigantic structures, but there are other pictorial documents called Codex. Although there was the theory that Gloria · Codex which is one of Maya's codex once was a fake, a research report was announced by the research team of the university that "it is probably genuine".

13th century Maya codex, long shrouded in controversy, proves genuine | EurekAlert! Science News

Once dismissed as fake, Maya calendar is Americas' oldest manuscript say Brown University scientists - The Washington Post

Grolier Codex «Trafficking Culture

There are three codex left by Maya civilization, Dresden Codex, Madrid Codex, Paris Codex, and it is Gloria Codex that was announced in 1971 as the fourth Codex following it.


Gloria · Codex is a picture document that Mr. Josue Sants of Mexican collector purchased in 1966 purchased. According to Mr. Santz, a story was invited from a certain person, "If you feel like it, I will show you the treasure of Maya civilization that was recently unearthed," and when I went to the designated place I found it in a cave It is said that Maya civilization was excavated and it contained the fourth Codex that I had not seen in it. Mr. Sants who wanted an authenticity survey before purchasing returned to Mexico City to see if Codex is genuine, and asked the expert to investigate, but the result is fake. However, despite the investigation result that Mr. Sants is a counterfeit, we will purchase Codex.

Dr. Michael Koh, a leading expert in Mayan civilization research who heard that Mr. Sants got the fourth Codex, was flying to Mexico at the then "Gloria Club" exhibition scheduled to be held from Mr. Sants I will get permission to exhibit. Thus the 4th Codex was announced at the Gloria Club held in 1971, and this codex was named Gloria Codex from the Gloria Club.

Although Gloria · Codex who gained attention as a new clues to know the details of Maya civilization, Eric Thompson who summarized the Thomson version of Dresden · Codex after the announcement from Mr. Eric Thompson announced that it was forged from elements such as incomplete contents and forgery traces It will be evaluated as "things". Then, despite controversy over whether it was fake or not, Gloria Codex was donated by Mr. Santz to the Mexican government without decisive evidence of genuine or fake being submitted.

From this background it was unknown whether Gloria · Codex is real or fake, but a research team led by Dr. Michael Koh presented a report summarizing the analysis of the evidence of credibility of Gloria · Codex. The report concludes that "Gloria Codex is probably genuine." In Gloria · Codex there are events that were unknown to archaeologists as of 1964 two years ago to purchase by Mr. Sants, Maya's ink which was found out in the 1980's was used It seems that there are many evidences supporting that it is genuine.

ByDaniel Mennerich

Also, Gloria · Codex was judged to be fake, such as the traces that modern tools seem to have been used are found to be cracks of gypsum plaster used in the Maya civilization for surface processing of Codex Elements are also surveyed, and on top of that we are judged to be "authentic".

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log