Research results that there is power to prevent allergies in "bad habits" such as toothbrows and nails


Parents are sometimes angered by sucking their fingers or banging their nails when they are kids, but children who had these "bad habits" have their immune system strengthened and the incidence of allergy decreases A research result indicating that it will be done has been announced.

Thumb-Sucking, Nail-Biting, and Atopic Sensitization, Asthma, and Hay Fever | Articles | Pediatrics

Sticking germy fingers in your mouth may give you the upper hand on health | Ars Technica

Stephanie Lynch of Dunedin School of Medicine in New Zealand, based on the hygiene hypothesis that the risk of allergy decreases by touching microorganisms early in life such as early childhood, "finger shake" and "nail claw" I hypothesized that the habit peculiar to infants increases the exposure of microorganisms and has resistance to atopy · asthma · hay fever etc. To verify this hypothesis, the research team was targeting 1037 children born in 1972-1973 by the University of DunedinBirth cohortI cited the survey.

In the follow-up survey of the University of Dunedin, parents of children report whether their children have the habit of dozing and nailing at the age of 5, 7, 9, 11, respectively. In addition, skin prick tests were conducted at the age of 13 and 32, and dust mite · pollen · dog · cat · horse · wool ·AspergillosisIt is investigated whether they have allergens such as fungi causing such as. According to parents' reports, 31% of children report that they have one or both of the habit of dozing and nailing at the age of 5 and 11. 724 children have undergone skin prick test at the age of 13, 45% of which have at least one allergy.

Mr. Lynch's research team classified these data according to the presence or absence of "fingering" "nail clippings" customs, among children who had one of the customs of sham-and-nailing, allergies It was 41% that the children who had both habits had 31% of allergies. 946 people received a skin prick test at the age of 32, but I found that the results of those who had the habit of doing fingering and nailing cramps were almost the same as at the age of 13.

The research results showed that microorganisms and bacteria were put in their mouths due to the habit of toothpicks and nails in early childhood, indicating that the likelihood of developing allergies decreases by about 30% to 40% even when becoming an adult It is. On the other hand, concerning asthma and hay fever, no association with the habit of shaking and nailing was discovered. Although "bad habits" suggested the possibility of preventing some allergies, these habits may worsen teeth engagement or raise the risk of another infection. Mr. Lynch emphasizes, "We do not recommend bad habits," and another group of children says that additional research to investigate the relationship between unsanitary practices and allergies is necessary.

BySubharnab Majumdar

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log