Pokemon GO (Pokémon GO) found dead while playing

ByEduardo Woo

Sheila Wiggins (19 years old) living in Riverton, Wyoming, USA, started service in some overseas areas in July 2016Pokémon GO"When I found a dead body while playing,County 10It reports.

County 10: Teen playing new Pokémon game on phone discovers body in Wind River

Wyoming teen playing new Pokemon game on phone discovers body - KTVQ.com | Q2 | Continuous News Coverage | Billings, MT

"Pokémon GO", a service that has just started in some overseas areas, is a smartphone-only game that utilizes location information to catch Pokemon or battle a game in the real world. The game needs to walk around the real world and play it, so if you go to a specific place you can get items that you can use in the game, so after the service starts the police say "It is prohibited to enter the police station to collect PokemonIt was enough to call out attention.

Wiggins who was playing that Pokémon GO said, "There are Pokemon everywhere in Riverton, I was trying to get a Pokemon in a natural water source, walking along the coast toward the bridge However, I saw something floating in the water at that time, and when I saw something again, I realized that it was a corpse, "he tells about the circumstances when he found a dead body .

According to Mr. Wingis, the dead body floats about 3 feet (about 0.9 meters) from the coast, and the appearance size is about the same as the average male. The dead body was found with the back and the butt floating, and the clothes I was wearing were black shirts and pants. When he found a corpse, Wingis seems to have no idea what to do with shock, but he seems to call 911 (number for emergency call in the United States) immediately. After that, the police rushed quickly and he told Mr. Wingis, "Perhaps it is less than 24 hours after death", but at the time of article creation the investigative authorities have not disclosed information on the investigation.

BySadie Hernandez

In the United States where the service of Pokémon GO started,Burglar using Pokemon GOHas occurred. The robber group chose a place not popular among places called "Pocket Stop" where items can be obtained in the game and said that the youngster who played Pokémon GO had been going to the crime to aim for coming up .

in Mobile,   Software,   Anime,   Game, Posted by logu_ii