The world's largest radio telescope "FAST" conducts exploration of extraterrestrial life forms completed in China

Construction was proceeding in Guizhou Province, China, 500 meters in diameterWorld's largest radio telescope "FAST"The final panel was set up and the main construction was completed. FAST will be in the process of adjustment from now and operation will begin from September.

Xinhua Insight: Installation complete on world's largest radio telescope - Xinhua |

China puts finishing touches to world's biggest radio telescope | World news | The Guardian

China puts final touches to world's largest telescope - News from Al Jazeera

The construction of FAST was first proposed in 1994. In 2007National Development and Reform CommissionApproved the plan, construction began in 2011. The state of construction can be seen in the following movie.

You can see how the panel was installed on a huge reflector in the time lapse video. By the way, the number of panels of this triangle is 4450.

The installation of the last one is like this.

A state of celebrations celebrating completion has also been reported.

By the way, the diameter of the Arecibo radio telescope, which was the largest in the world, is about 305 m.

Furthermore, in February 2016 when the completion of FAST became visible, evacuation is required for 9110 residents living in 5 km around. Compensation for evacuation is 12,000 yuan per person (about 21 ten thousand yen). The telescope is located inSouth Korea Pui's Miao Autonomous RegionThe minority ethnic minorities in the ethnic ethnic minority who have troubled economically have an oversupply, but there are also opinions of discontent from the residents in the amount of compensation.

The Chinese government to evacuate about 9000 people from their settlements for searching for aliens - GIGAZINE

in Science,   Video, Posted by logc_nt