Explain how easy it is to "how to eat" affects the brain and mood


Sleepiness may suddenly attack after lunch by day, you may not be able to sleep at night, the mood may rise and fall, but these may be influences of meals. So, how does food work on human brain and mood? NPO organizationScenarios USAMr. Nakamuri who is involved in education at Mr. Nakamuri chewed me straightforwardly "How the food you eat affects your brain"is.

How the food you eat affects your brain - Mia Nacamulli - YouTube

If all water was extracted from the brain, what ingredients would remain?

It is fat as "lipid" that accounts for most of the ingredients, followed by proteins and amino acids,MicronutrientYaglucoseAlso included in small amounts.

Each component individually affects elements such as the function, development, mood, energy of the human body.

Therefore, it becomes sleepy after lunch ......

I can not sleep at night, for the possibility of the influence the food has on the brain.

It is very beneficial for brain fatOmega-3 fatty acidsWhenOmega-6 fatty acidis. Since these two fatty acids can not be synthesized from other fatty acids in the body and it is essential to supplement them with meals etc.,Essential fatty acidIt is called.

Foods rich in omega fatty acids are nuts, plant species, fatty fish and so on. By ingesting these foods, it is possible to maintain the brain that communicates information and creates / remembers.

While omega fatty acids play an important role for the brain,Trans fatty acidLong-term intake of other fat, such as, may have a bad influence on the brain.

Next is a story about proteins and amino acids.

These two are important for growth and development and affect human mood and behavior.

Amino acids mediate signaling at synapsesNeurotransmitterofprecursoris.

Neurotransmitters are related to human mood, sleep, attention and so on.

When you eat lots of pasta in lunch you get drowsy and you get awake when you take a meal containing a lot of protein, this is because the substance contained in food affects the brain and neurotransmitters Because it is given.

By complexly combining the compounds contained in food, brain cellsNoradrenalinYaSerotonin,DopamineIt stimulates to release a neurotransmitter that affects the human mood, such as.

Therefore, by combining various foods in a balanced manner, various neurotransmitters are released, the balance of the brain is preserved, and mood can be stabilized.

Also, like many organs, the brain also benefits from micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Included in fruitsAntioxidantPrevents the destruction of brain cells, restores fatigue of the brain, and helps the brain function in health for a long period of time.

Among micronutrients, shortage of vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 may cause brain diseases or hindrance to the spirit. In addition, iron, sodium, zinc, etc. are responsible for the development of brain health and cognitive function.

Although the weight of the brain is only 2% of the whole human body ... ...

Energy consumption amounted to 20%.

Many of the raw materials of energy are carbohydrates. Carbohydrates such as rice and bread change into glucose and blood sugar by digestion when ingested.

I am responsible for memories based on motivation and emotion to live out of the brainFrontal lobeVery sensitive to a decrease in glucose. Therefore, changes in mood are the first signs of lack of nutrients.

So, what kind of carbohydrate among the carbohydrates we are ingesting has influenced the brain on the assumption that glucose is taken regularly?

There are three types of carbohydrates, starch, sugar, and dietary fiber.

Many carbohydrates are mixed in these three, but the influence on the brain and body will change depending on the ratio of each.

For example, bread has a fast release rate of glucose in the blood, then suddenly drops the blood sugar level. Because of that, you feel sick or lose attention.

On the contrary, oats, cereals, leguminous plants, etc. release glucose slowly into the blood, so that concentration and concentration are easy to stabilize.

In order to stabilize the power of the brain, it is important to ingest abundant nutrients from various ingredients.

Also, it is important to remember to decide how much food to chew can give the brain and other organs the effect of nutrients for a long time.

in Science,   Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log