That Microsoft entered the marijuana business

ByMike Mozart

In some states in the USACannabis(Marijuana) is legalized. Although it is sometimes used for medical use, in Colorado state the use of marijuana for entertainment for the first time in the United States for the first time in 2014 is also lifted. Tax revenue by Marijuana in Colorado Province in 2014 amounts to about 42 million dollars (about 4.4 billion yen), and when there is a big business opportunity, many companies are asking for entry into the marijuana business However, it turned out that Microsoft, a huge enterprise in the IT industry, will enter the marijuana business.

The First Big Company to Say It's Serving the Legal Marijuana Trade? Microsoft. - The New York Times

Although it is considered illegal at the federal level in the United States, there are several areas where legitimization of marijuana is seen in the state unit. Until now, large companies have rarely entered such delicate areas, but it was revealed that Microsoft has partnered with companies that develop software to track marijuana sales situation, I am calling a big topic.

Software tracking marijuana sales status will be sold as part of Microsoft's cloud computing business. This software will be used to monitor the sale status of marijuana used for medical or entertainment purposes and to guarantee the legality of the legalized state of marijuana.

ByCannabis Culture

To date, there has been a wide variety of public reactions to legalization of marijuana, and only a few small banks funded marijuana business. However, entry into the marijuana business in compliance with government compliance is an important act of expanding the whole industry, leading to contributing to the establishment of legitimate infrastructure in the marijuana industry.

"We feel the possibility of great growth in the marijuana industry," Microsoft's Kimberly Nelson said, as the industry is now regulated, sophisticated tools are required as more marijuana is traded in the future "We talk about the importance of software to track marijuana's sales situation.

Microsoft signed a partnership with Los Angeles-based startup Kind. Kind is also a company that introduces ATM type marijuana selling machines at kiosks and others, but Microsoft sells software that tracks the sales situation of marijuana that such pioneer of marijuana business is developing on the market plans.

However, since the software that Microsoft sells is a compliance system built by the state side as described above, it is not a system for selling marijuana, and Microsoft does not actually sell marijuana. However, "The addition of Microsoft's ambitious name to young legalized industry is a major step for marijuana business," The New York Times.

For example, the State of New York has collaborated with Oracle to build a system to track medical marijuana. However, until now, we have not advertised publicly that large companies are engaged in these kinds of business. Kind's CEO David Dainenburg says "It took a long time to persuade a large company to participate in the marijuana industry." And it reveals that this triggered, and that many large companies want to participate in the marijuana industry.

In the autumn of 2016, it will be voted on whether or not to allow marijuana for entertainment purposes in five states including California, and the wave of legalization is increasingly accelerating in the future in the United States It looks like it.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii