40% of Americans recommend legalizing marijuana, what is the idea for marijuana in the USA
Questionnaires about marijuana in the United States seems to have been around 40% saying that "Marijuana should be legalized". Although marijuana is classified as a drug and exerts a bad influence on the human body, on the other hand, some people claim that marijuana does not adversely affect the human body compared to tobacco and alcohol, and it seems that research is still necessary.
Moreover, there seems to be a way of thinking whether marijuana should be legalized also on the economic side, and it seems that discussion considering the influence on the human body and economic effect will be carried out from now on.
Details are from the following.
Rasmussen Reports ?: The Most Comprehensive Public Opinion Site.
A questionnaire surveyed in the United States about "whether marijuana should be legalized", it seems that 40% of people responded that they should be legalized and 46% responded that they should not legalize . 14% said that they answered "I do not know which one is good".
Looking at them by gender, it seems that male marijuana legislation recommendation faction is about 50%, women are about 40%, and it is understood that there are many people who want men to legitimize marijuana more than females. In particular, it is also clear that people under the age of 40 were more likely to support legalization of marijuana. According to WHO, it is estimated that 42% of Americans have experienced marijuana, which seems to be the highest among the 17 countries surveyed.
Some scientists claim that "the most beneficial crop in the USA is marijuana", economistsMilton FriedmanThree scientists including "You can save $ 7.7 billion (about 720 billion yen) annually by legalizing marijuana and you can get tax revenue of at least $ 2.4 billion (about 220 billion yen)" He said that he insisted. Also, if marijuana is taxed like alcohol and tobacco, it is expected that tax revenue of 6.2 billion dollars (about 580 billion yen) will be obtained every year.
In the USA, it seems that the influence of marijuana on the human body and the economic effect etc. are discussed, but it is thought that further discussion will be held as to whether marijuana will be legalized in the future.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log