"Microsoft Holographic" official demo movie that projects 3D hologram to the real world and shares visibility & 3D objects can be created

Microsoft has announced plans including Augmented Reality (AR) Head Mounted Display "Microsoft HoloLens"Windows Holographic"For Windows 10 hardware partnersCOMPUTEX TAIPEI 2016We announced at the venue. In the future, Microsoft also publishes an introduction movie of "Mixed Reality (MR)" that is a combination of the real world and the virtual space, because manufacturers other than Microsoft can also perform technology development using Windows Holographic.

Opening Windows Holographic to Partners for a New Era of Mixed Reality | Windows Experience Blog

Microsoft aims for a new era of Mixed Reality (Mixed Reality) Opening Windows Holographic for Partners | News Center Japan

You can see the movie that shows what the mixed reality (MR) is like as follows.

Windows Holographic: Enabling a World of Mixed Reality (Narrated) - YouTube

A woman named Penny came in a widely warehouse. Penny has a job of designing a flagship shop of a shoe store.

Penny wears HoloLens ......

The camera mounted on HoloLens will automatically recognize the floor and walls of the room and a digital map will be constructed in the space. Penny 's field of vision is full of holograms such as shoes and shelves.

As Penny moves his hand, HoloLens recognizes the movement of the hand and the object of the hologram displayed in space moves in real time.

Pushing the shelves by hand ... or ...

It is possible to design the room very easily compared to moving a real object, such as moving a box by hand.

However, it seemed that I did not like the arrangement, I took away the hologram by hand. Then the hologram rolls like a real world object to the corner of the room.

A hologram assistant appears in the penny's sight. When telling Penny, "The client seems to have taken an airplane faster than scheduled," Penny instructed the assistant to "Please collect team members here."

The jungle that was subsequently displayed.

Team member Samir made the VR head mounted display "HTC ViveI was wearing and playing the VR game.

A message saying that the assistant of the time appeared on the game screen, "Penny is seeking help." But Samia says "Let me check only this warehouse ..."

The assistant is enthusiastic about the game regardless of "the client ......" stopping. As the movements of hands are reflected in the game in real time, the state of immersion is very high.

The assistant also informs other members of the penny's message.

Likewise, team member Kai asked the assistant to "Please tell me to go now" ", checking hologram shoes in a blast.

Kai moved to a room with nothing and operated HoloLens.

Then Kay and Samir appeared in a hologram in the warehouse where Penny is working. Samir uses 3D avatar.

From Samia, the penny is visible in the state of 3D avatar.

Sennia, to Penny who says, "It is not good to put a warehouse as a work place," if "Then see the scenery?" Operating the menu of HoloLens ......

The view of the three people was wrapped in a 360 degree hologram.

The hologram bot has various functions and supports the business.

Many other 3D objects exist.

Penny grabs one 3D object and draws it to hand.

It seems that it decided to incorporate the shrine to the store design, and Penny spreads his hand to create 3D objects.

Kai creates an object using a special pen.

Samir uses a controller of both hands.

It is also possible to pass the created object to other members, and even if you are in a remote place, you can collaborate as if you are as close as possible.

We will arrange the completed hologram in the space of the warehouse and bring it closer to the image of the actual store.

Extract the color of the ceiling of the warehouse ......

Coloring hologram.

It is a feature of mixed reality that you can work back and forth between the real world and holograms like this.

The client arrived there, and in Japanese speaks with anger that it is "it is too bad again" in Japanese. If you use Holographic's conversation bot, Japanese conversation will be translated into English in real time and translated text will be displayed in hologram, so it seems to be very useful at the business site.

The client wears HoloLens and confirms the hologram store design.

I praise it was "wonderful!"

Pennies and assistants are nicolle.

At the time of writing, it is announced that Microsoft Holographic technology will be offered to 12 companies of Intel, AMD, Qualcomm, HTC, Acer, ASUS, Dell, Falcon Northwest, HP, Lenovo Group and MSI. Also, a workshop to be held in November 2016 for hardware partnersWinHECA detailed explanation about Microsoft Holographic will be done in.

in Software,   Hardware,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log