Cookie Monster Launches Siri on iPhone and Burns Cookie with Voice Command Apple Official Movie "Timer"

The voice assistant installed in the iOS terminalSiriYou can start up by speaking to the microphone "Hey Siri" without operating the terminal, you can register alarms, schedule, search the web etc. Using such Siri, Apple official movie that Sesame Street's cookie monster bakes cookie is released.

IPhone 6s - Timer - YouTube

A cookie monster wearing a cock hat put cookie dough into the oven.

Close the oven door ......

Talk to the iPhone you put on the desk "Hey Siri, set the timer for 14 minutes".

Then the iPhone starts "Timer, OK, measure for 14 minutes".

While waiting for the cookie to burn, "Hey Siri play the playlist"

The songs registered in the playlist in the terminal began to be played.

"Are you still cookies ......?"

A cookie monster that turns on or off the light of the oven according to the music.

Pelori powder spilled on the desk.

However, because it was just cookie instead of cookie, it's a cookie monster that gets over you.

Read cookie recipe ... ...

Spinning around and waiting for cookies to burn up.

"Puppet play with a pot knob that" I can not help being cookies! "

If you think you grabbed a wooden dove ... ...

I was completely hungry, I ate the whole wooden dove.

Sometimes I go outside the room and watch the completion of the cookie from the window.

Talking to "Hey Siri, check the remaining time of the timer" ......

Siri answered "I will show the timer" and the remaining time was displayed as 13 minutes 09 seconds.

Cookie monster who noticed that it has not passed yet since it started baking cookie, "Oh ... ...."

"Timer" making movie "Timer - Behind The Scenes"Can be seen from the following.

IPhone 6s - Timer - Behind The Scenes - YouTube

Cookie monster talking to the staff, "I was ready!"

Next to the iPhone, "Siri, are you there?"

When Siri talks to "Hey, cookie monster", he is excited with a cookie monster whose "Siri knows me!"

"Let's share cookies also with Siri"

When a noise sounds while eating cookies, "Who is talking to, Siri?" And Kyo Ryohyo.

I will speak to Siri for a long time "Are you able to cookie?" "You made it already?"

Cookie monster who can not wait for completion of cookie, trying to grab cookie on the oven door.

Cookie monster playing rhythm holding cooking utensils in both hands. "Siri, is this noise noisy?"

When the iPhone's timer rings ......

"I was able to cookie! Completion of cookie!" I was excited.


A cookie monster that sits on the terrace and eats cookie burstingly.

"Thank you, Siri"

At the end Apple's apple ... ...

Cookie monster gnawed as "Mushamusha", the movie ended.

in Mobile,   Software,   Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log