Female distinguished software engineer murdered and rape warning announced one after another hiring a private detective

ByAntonio Marín Segovia

DockerIs the name of a container type virtualization software and is also the name of the company that developed the software. Jesse Frauseau, a star engineer who had many achievements in that community, left Docker in March 2016 and changed to another startup · Mesosphere. Although it is said that this transfer itself was satisfactory, Mr. Frazel frequently received warnings of rape warning and murder in the Docker community, so it seems that the company was in a situation where the company had to take measures.

One of Docker's star engineers got so many death and rape threats, the company hired private detectives to protect her - Business Insider

Mr. Frausel was a star engineer at Docker and was regarded as one of the main builders. However, as women became conspicuous, they also received the damage caused by sex differences spreading in the industry. Mr. Frazel himself reveals this in his blog in July 2015.

Jessie Frazelle's Blog: This Industry is Fucked

Mr. Frausele with a strong title titled "This Industry is Fucked". According to the blog, he got to receive endless "Harassment (harassment)" after speaking at the conference and contributing to the open source community. For example, it starts with hundreds of sexual invitations with IRC's private channel and e-mails, such as rape announcement, murder notice. Some of those who sent such contacts confessed that they had masturbated with your conference video, but it was a gentle person who processed Brazil's face picture in bloody fashion There were also people who gave in.

However, Mr. Frazelle, who had no intention of quitting the job and wanted to stop, said that "I want to say" Fuck you "" was announced through a blog.

However, as mentioned above, in March 2016 Ms. Frausele changed from Docker. About this, Charity Majors, the same female engineer, said, "Mr. Flazere was bothered by internal harassment, but Docker decided to be on the side of the perpetrator," he says, in response to Docker A voice came up suggesting that there was a problem.

In response to Majors' tweet, Dockers refuted that "we do not allow harassment and are proactively responding to harassment allegations both inside and outside." We also released the contents of e-mail from CEO Ben Golub.

CEO Gorab acknowledged that Mr. Frazel kept being threatened by someone anonymous in the community. In addition, he took this situation seriously as a company, to hire a private detective, to contact the police, to change the internal structure, and so on. Regarding change of employment, Mr. Frazel just left the opportunity, he was a gradual withdrawal from the company, and although he was discussing at retirement, he revealed that there was no talk about harassment from within Docker.

Business insider asked for comment whether Docker employed private investigator or contact police, but there was no reply. It seems that I could not get in touch with Mr. Frazel who is the party.

This kind of harassment is not avoidable even by famous female engineers, and in July 2014, after Julie Ann Hovas who was "GitHub's first female engineer" got harassment in the GitHub era It was announced and it became a hot topic.

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