10 secrets hidden in the movie 'Star Wars / Force's Awakening'

About four months have passed since release and Blu-ray & DVD will be released on May 4, 2016 Movie "Star Wars / Force's AwakensThere are lots of secrets such as a story behind the scenes that are not known to the public. The most striking secret from the movie related mediaScreen RantWe carefully selected and edited it to the movie and released it.

10 Most Shocking Secrets From Star Wars: The Force Awakens - YouTube

◆ The appearance scene of Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker was never told much in various PR events held before the release, because the reason Luke only appears at the end of the main part. Although originally planned to appear in more scenes, Michael Arant who handled the script wrote "There is no way to make Luke appear in the work without disturbing the new character", and finally at the end of the main part Luke came to appear.

◆ Another Chewbacca
It was a pleasant experience for fans of the past year that Peter Mayhew played Chewbacca even in this work following the original trilogy. However, it was harder than expected that Mayhue who had a problem with the elderly with Cheongbukka costumes wearing clothes was difficult, so in some action scenes it is a Finnish basketball player and an actorJonas SuotamoActed on behalf of Mayhew. Although it does not clarify which scene was taken charge of Suotamo, he said that he took Mayhyou's performance instruction for five months.

◆ RIP Po · Dameron
Po Dameron of the new character is like the Han solo of the original trilogy, the multiplication with the fin is also splendid, and it is believed to play an important role also in Episode 8. However, J. J. Abrams was planning to kill Po Dammeron at the beginning in the original script. It was changed to take advantage of Pau Dammeron to appear in the full movie at the end of a series of meetings that had been held many times.

◆ TR-8R
TR-8R is the storm trooper who confronted the fins using the lightsaber in the middle of the main part and was swinging weapons like clubs. The name TR - 8R comes from only one word serif "Traitor!", This is the name the fans assigned to you without permission. Later, since the TR - 8R gained explosive popularity on the Internet, Lucasfilm said, "He was called FN - 2199 in the first order, nickname was nine, because he had been training with fin, fin I felt I betrayed myself ", added a back story.

Space pirate fin
It is in the high completeness of the script that the Force's awakening has been successful so far. One of the writers who worked on the script is Lawrence Kasdan, but Kasudan is also a coworker who changed fins from a supporting role to a protagonist. Originally, fins only appeared as space pirates, but as Kasudan admitted that "fins should be a storm trooper that escaped from the first order", fins became an important part in the movie .

◆ Captain · Fazma was a man
Captain Fazma led by Storm Trooper Corps is the first woman's villain in the history of the series, but at first it is not well known that he was a male. Every cast was gathered when the Force's awakening cast was announced, but since the criticism of "There is only a new female character in the Ray! Why!" Criticism has been successively changed Captain · Fazuma from a man to a female character I heard he did.

◆ Spirit body of anakin
After the death the Jedi became integrated with the Force, became a spiritual figure, revealed in this world, and Obi · 1 and Yoda spirit bodies appeared in the series. Even in the awakening of Force, Anakin Skywalker originally planned to appear as a spirit body, and in the design concept there was an image of Jedi and anakin (spirit body) shaking in the dark side. However, it did not appear in the main part.

◆ Mazukanata
Although Mazukanata is less than the appearance scene, it plays an important role of handling Luke's lightsaber to Fin. In the scenario before completion, Mazukanata is supposed to steal Luke's lightsaber from the first order led by Cairo Len, but in the play Mazukanataga said "I will talk about how I got a lightsaber this time" It may be that the truth is told in episode 8.

◆ Red Arm of C-3PO
The C - 3PO that appeared in the awakening of Force was red for some reason why the left arm was red, but the reason was not revealed in the play.

Besides, the red arm has gone back to gold color in the end of the game, and someone who saw the movie had someone who was puzzled. This is because there was a difference in opinion between Anthony Daniels who played C-3PO and JJ Abrams. As a result of talks with Anthony Daniels who looks like the golden arm as before and JJ Abrams who wants a red arm, as a compromise, "It is red at the beginning and gold at the end" as a result.

◆ Ash table of Cairo · Len
Cairo Ren released her mask for the first time while interrogating Ray and revealed his face ... ...

The table on which we took off the mask was covered with ash. Among the fans who saw the movie, "Who's that table? What's that ash burned?" Followed by those who are concerned. In an interview, J · J · Abrams revealed that ash burned the person killed by Cairo Len, and the impressive creepy Cairo Len became more intense. It seems that it is happy for fans that Han Solo fell under the bridge and died and the corpses were not collected.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log