Obviously that the original emoticon "Ninja Cat" will be added to Windows 10

Microsoft is a developer for conference "Build 2016", The first large update of Windows 10"Windows 10 Anniversary UpdateWe announced. The release of the large update is scheduled for around the summer of 2016, but the preview version "Windows 10 Insider Preview"(Build 14316) has been released. In such preview version, Windows emoticons are added, and Windows development team secretly popular character "Ninja CatThe emblem of 'Emoji became clear.

Ninja Cat: The Windows-only Emoji

Microsoft's added Windows-only emoji was added to the "Segoe UI Emoji" font based on Unicode emoji. There are 6 types in all, "Ninja Cat(Ninja cat) ""Ninja Cat Flying(Flying Ninja Cat) "Ninja Cat at Computer(Ninja cat in personal computer) "Ninja Cat riding T-Rex(Ninja Cat Riding T Rex) "Ninja Cat with Coffee(Ninja cat who drinks coffee) "Ninja Cat in Space(A ninja cat in the universe) ".

The six ninja cats are made by combining pictographs defined in Unicode with Zero Width Joiner (ZWJ). For example, "Ninja Cat" is displayed as one pictogram when "CAT FACE (U + 1F431)" and "BUST IN SILHOUETTE (U + 1 F 464)" are written side by side. Although it may be displayed as two pictograms other than Windows, iOS and Android also support pictograms using the zero-zygote function, so they seem to be displayed without problems on smartphones and tablets Yes.

Also, all traditional emoticons currently used in Windows are replaced with new designs. When comparing some, it looks like the following. The top is the conventional design, the bottom is the new design.

In addition, Ninja Cat originallyA character born as a joke of the inner development of the Windows development team. As I opened to the participants of the Windows Insider Program, I gained hidden popularity as the wallpapers of smartphones and PCs and even GIF animations that move like sea urchin are made up. That's why Ninja Cat has even made pictograms this time.

in Software,   Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log