Produced by four producers produced in 2016, produced by Animation Mirai "Amename Tamago"
Commissioned by the Agency for Cultural Affairs that began in 2010 "Young Animator Development Project"Animation Mirai" is known as "Eggmed eggs"We changed the nickname. The announcement of 4 animation animations produced in 2016 by that wrapped eggAnimeJapan 2016Producers involved in the creation of each work gathered and revealed the highlight and important announcements one by one.
Twisted egg egg 2016
The reunion of twisted egg egg 2016 was held at the open stage of AnimeJapan 2016.
Four works produced with Twisted egg twister 2016 are "from the left" Yasabusaburo "," Katchchae! "" UTOPA "" Colorful Ninja Iroki "from the left.
And the speakers on the stage are Ms. Kobayashi Yoko (Japan Video Association) who is a moderator from the left, Mr. Koji Takeuchi of Human egg eggs 2016 Human Resources Development Manager, Mr. Keiki Sakurai (Signal · Mddi) · Mr. Honda Fumiyoshi Signal · Md. ) · Tomoko Ogiwara (STUDIO 4 ° C) · Hiroshi Osawa (Tezuka Productions) · Mr. Kiyohiko Takayama (Wudoken gate).
In the first place what is "aunted egg"? That is why the presentation started from the explanation of the project. It is a project to train professional young animators. Of course, training is not only animators, but also development of videos and production progress etc, which are indispensable for animation production is included. It is a egg-groamed egg to try to nurture such "young talent related to animation production".
Mr. Koji Takeuchi of Human Resources Development Manager asked visitors that the four companies that participated in Umeme Tamagot 2016 asked for two things, "Create an interesting work" and "Train young people", but this is a very difficult thing, . It is said that each of the four works produced in it is an interesting work that is rich in variety, and it seems that the overall feature is that the "drawing method" has scaled well. How to draw is colorful ninja Iroki is completely digital original, UTOPA and cool! Is hand - painted and digital hybrid, and Kazabusa of wind is full CG.
You can see the PV that summarizes the 4 pieces of Uenme Tamagotto 2016 from the following.
Twisted egg egg 2016 2nd PV - YouTube
So from here the producers of each work tell about the content of the work and the secret story of production.
◆Colorful Ninja Iroki
First of all PV of "Colorful Ninja Iroki" started.
Production is SIGNAL.MD
Critical announcement
It was revealed that the director's cut version is in progress. An animation will be added to the opening & ending theme that Kobayashi Kentaro illuminated, adding a new cut to what I made with Twang egg egg 2016. Also, in the ending animation, Kobayashi's own dance choreographed dance moves null null.
Furthermore, it is decided that the director's cut version will be made public at the National Theater in the winter of 2016. The director's cut version will be added about 10 minutes.
In addition, the release of BD / DVD was revealed. In addition, we sell the DVD as cheaply as possible, Blu - ray version seems to add benefits such as making.
And PV will be delivered on YouTube from April.
Music theme song clip will be delivered on YouTube from April.
"Colorful Ninja Iroki" which new information jumped out one by one. For details, see SIGNAL.MDOfficial Twitter accountWe will announce it in turn.
"UTOPA" is a story of the world where animals have evolved over the years here, when humankind has tried to preserve the species by migrating the endangered animals to the airborne city. The story.
This UTOPA is holding events at Piazza Building in Omotesando for the period from March 19th to April 17th.
It reproduces the drawing machine of the animator engaged in production, and it seems that it is possible to experience a moving picture. This event is held by STUDIO 4 ° C, so it seems possible to experience video experiences such as the iron muscle cleats that the company produced in the past.
Such secret is hidden in such "UTOPA", but it is revealed from Mr. Tomoko Ogiwara, who is a producer, that a feature plan leading to these is ongoing.
And director's image board will be released. Because there is no conflict in the world of UTOPA, it is said that appearing characters are going to overcome difficulties by squeezing wisdom.
A new appearance character as well.
I am sorry to cheer you, so I ended my presentation. Takahiro Tanaka who served as the director of UTOPA seems to have strong feelings in this work anyway, so it was revealed that he was going to the presentation with the congratulation and greeted from the back of the hall.
◆It's cool!
A completely new animation of Tezuka Production, which animated Tezuka Osamu's work, is "Kachachane!" PV was played at once this.
Producer Hiroshi Osawa of Tezuka Productions, "I made it as a story of series (of things)" about "Katchchae!" Made with Uenemeda egg 2016. Therefore, it was revealed that this work is also thinking about TV animation. Also, since there is Tezuka Osamu Memorial Museum in Kobe, it is also revealed that it will be shown here.
It is a tool for digital drawing in production of this workSTYLOSIt is said that it was used. Furthermore, it was also revealed that tools for digital drawing were introduced on occasion.
In addition, "Kachiekane", which is a title of the work, is a word of "Thank you" at the Edo dialect of "Kudizu".
◆Kazabusa of the wind
Engaged in animation production at CGMukakademonThe work of "Kazabusa of the Wind". Producer Kiyohiko Takayama says that Kazabusaro Kazuhara was one of the works he was talking about "Wishing to make it" originally with Yamada Yuki, and it is very pleasing that it became one form .
"It's been a big deal" and made some of Masaburo Saori's making scene a part of it.
That one frame is picked up ... ...
Express this with CG
In this scene it seems that he focused on the movement of the hair which moves according to the movement of the character.
Pick up one scene and compare different versions that added effects or changed their movements.
You can see the process of changing the animation to a hand-drawn picture by adding an effect to the one that has OK in the animation.
Added cell type material
Add watercolor material
Add paper quality feeling material
Add pencil style line
And this is the finished cut. I can not think that the original is CG.
This is a scene where the hair of the character hurts in the wind. Producer Mr. Takayama gave me a comment to understand well that I was particular about hair movement ... ...
Mr. Takeuchi, manpower development manager, praised the character that is out of the window from the window is "being modeled throughout the body". In the case of hand-drawned, he told me that he will not move the character thinking of the invisible part's body movement, and said that CG brought in such hand-drawn parts was welcomed.
Of course the movement of the hair also changed greatly and it became more natural.
And adding CGs other than characters will look like this.
Although the work introduction was done in AnimeJapan 2016, it is 2016, but on terrestrial broadcasting on Yomiuri Television on Mondia's MANIA frame on Monday midnight "Colorful Ninja Irokuma" and "UTOPA", on live broadcast on live broadcast on late April 2nd It is determined that "Kaze shoot!" And "Kazu Saaburo" will be broadcasted. The date and time of broadcasting of the Yomiuri TV is scheduled to be announced soon, so the date of broadcasting and the contents of the broadcast may be changed. In BS / CS broadcasting, four animations are scheduled to be broadcast all at once from 20:30 on Sunday 1st (Sunday) at Animax.
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