Animation movie "Sausage Party" trailer for foods who knew the truth "They are killed!"

When the foods that are lined up at the supermarket are purchased by humans and waiting for a turn in the kitchen, they will try to escape desperately by knowing the fate that humans will eat with musha shamas ... ... the story's CG Anime movies are "Sausage Party"is. Foods talking with F word packed, so it's the first in CG animated filmsI have received R17 designationHowever, trailers are published on YouTube and you can see a part of the story.

Sausage Party - Official Red Band Trailer - YouTube

The stage is a large supermarket where food stays narrow and narrow.

Customers purchase food items one after another.

A woman who came to shopping with a note. There are already a lot of grocery packed in the basket.

In the basket, butter, flour, popcorn are chatting.

"The only wish of the food ... ..."

"Going home with a human being"

At the sausage department, the sausage with bags is waiting for customers while excitingly saying "everyone elongates their spine! We can sell first!"

The woman came to the sausage department.

The sausages jump up with Pyoco Poco and appeal fiercely.

Then, the woman picks up the sausage, whether there is any effort ......

Go inside the basket. Sausage brothers look happy.

In addition, the bread for hot dogs at the next sales department also came to the same basket.

Sausages and breads that seem to be happy that "We are bought together!"

We will go to the cash register together.

Sausage talks to bread, "Susage is asking for us to be together" in an excited bread, saying "It's nice to be next to each other at the sales floor."

Bread is entranced "We were born for each other".

A woman came home with groceries.

I opened the bag of sausages at once.

Together with the bread and tomatoes and potatoes bought together, I am waiting for the time to come.

Potatoes will be the first to eat ... ....

Friends to see off with a smile.

Potatoes are proudly expressing "I'm coming!"

Singing with excitement ......

Peeler tears the skin with belon.

Potato shouting "Oh! Jesus!"

The unexpected situation surprised the colleagues who were watching.

Knowing the fact that "they are eaten by humans", the trembling foods.

The potatoes are screaming crying over with F word, "My skin is Mushy!"

Also sausage covering his face in spite of his colleagues suffering.

Lettuce which the turn came next ... ...

It will be torn in half and half.

The cheese gently scrapes his head and wears little by little.

A bagged baby carrot ... ...

Run away from the bowl and try to escape as "run and run away!"

However, a woman finds where he is rolling and running away.

I jump off the kitchen and try to escape ... ...

Before falling to the floor, the female hand caught.

The baby carrots who could not escape were eaten as it was.

The remaining foodstuffs are confused as "Baby is eaten up! We are going to do it!"

And the food will be holding a meeting on the night the human beings are sleeping.

A cheese whose head was scraped and turned into a triangle, said, "Newborn, I knew our unhappy truth ... ...."

"Sausage stood up to say" You must tell the truth to everyone! "

"I will not believe anyone," cheeses that tend to give up.

"But, if you do not do it," sausage jumps out to the outside world.

"If I do not tell you, everyone will die," sausages.

In response to the news from the sausage, a bread group that escapes from the cupboard.

However, bread for hot dogs got caught in the cupboard's skimmer and everything works.

One sausage is escaping from the storm of a falling blade.

Foods desperately trying to escape.

What on earth is waiting for food to escape ... ....

Sausage Party will be released theaters in the summer of 2016.

Sausage Party - in theaters this summer

in Video,   Movie,   Anime,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log