Turn PDCA to self-conscious Rising "Power to live a whole life" power up, so that sushi can also be turned

Repeat 4 processes of "Plan", "Do", "Check" and "Act"PDCA cycleIt is said to be useful for improving work. "A web service created because a society is" annoying PDCA and turning PDCA! "Is"Turn your whole life."We are upgrading not only PDCA cycle but also something like sushi for some reason.

Turn your whole life.

You can see in the following movie how you are actually playing PDCA with 'Turn your whole life'.

Continue turning PDCA I tried using 'Turn your whole life' - YouTube

Four words and arrows of "Plan" "Do" "Check" "Act" are displayed semicircularly when you open the page of "Turn your whole life".

When you click "turn", the PDCA starts turning around with the group. It is also possible to turn the PDCA cycle using the mouse wheel.

There are 19 kinds of fonts, and it is possible to change freely.

Try changing the font from the default "Verdana" to "Times New Roman" and it looks like the following. It is also possible to change the font while turning the PDCA cycle.

Click "reverse rotation", the direction of rotation changes in the opposite direction.

When I set the font to "sushi", rolled sushi started rolling instead of PDCA.

You can see the actual sushi being turned in the following movie.

Continue turning PDCA Turn "Sushi" with "Turn your whole life" - YouTube

If you increase the number of "times", the number of revolutions when clicking "turn" will increase, so it is possible to turn PDCA cycle as easily as this.

If you click "tweet button" ... ...

I was able to tweet the rotation speed.

in Review,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log