"Artificial intelligence v The world's strongest shogi player" Al Goo of artificial intelligence victory in go-to-game opponent, the first fight of fifth game is controlled

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The game by Google's artificial intelligence "AlphaGo" and the game of the top game of Go of Lee Se-dul (Lee Seo-kyu) was held in Seoul City on March 9, 2016, and AlphaGo won the victory.

Google's artificial intelligence, winning the world's top class players at go with victory: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Match 1 - Google Deep Mind Challenge Match: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo - YouTube

In the first game held on March 9, 2016 AlphaGo won the victory as Lee Se-dul Kuzune got up (give up). The following screen shows the state just before Cedor Kuroda was thrown.

With this, AlphaGo's victory was the first game of the competition to be held in five games.

The second round will be held next Thursday, March 10 (Thursday). The starting time is Korean time at 13:00, the same time in Japan. Interest will be gathered whether Cedor Kuroda will bring over and bring it to the same point or AlphaGo will win the victory with the second victory.

◆ 2016/03/10 18:30 Addendum
Also in the second station on March 10, Google's artificial intelligence "AlphaGo" won the victory and won the second consecutive victory.

Match 2 - Google Deep Mind Challenge Match: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo - YouTube

The 2nd station will be a long-term span over 4 hours, and both develop to use their own time. At the end, Cedor Kuzu took off and AlphaGo won.

With this, AlphaGo's second consecutive victory is the fifth game. The third station of attention took the middle day a dayBeginning on 13th March 2016 (Saturday)It is going to be.

◆ 2016/03/14 postscript
AlphaGO also won the Cedor Nine Tiers at the 3rd station on Saturday, March 12, 2016, and we decided to win with five bouts.

The 4th station, which received AlphaGo's 3rd consecutive victory, will be held on Sunday, March 13, 2016 (Sunday), and the 5-hour-long battle will be wrested with white-squat punching with Cedor Nine-tiered up to 180 hands. I won the first victory.

The game of the 4th station controlled by Cedor Kuzu can be viewed with the following movie.

Match 4 - Google Deep Mind Challenge Match: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo - YouTube

Cedor Kuzue has commented that "I can not substitute anything, I can not afford to win one wins". The fifth station of AlphaGo vs. Ii Cedor Kuroda will be held on Tuesday, March 15, 2016.

in Note,   Software,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log