Is Apple's software quality declining?

ByJasper Nance

Apple is widely recognized for its excellent hardware designs and is known for having deep-rooted Apple fans around the world. Genuine software such as applications and OS is also an indispensable element when using such Apple's iPhone and Mac, but "technology quality of Apple is degrading" is summarized by technology blog Sudophilosophical I will.

Apple's declining software quality - Sudophilosophical

Software is evaluated based on criteria such as reliability, speed, UI (user experience), design, ease of finding various items, and updates tailored to changes in the times will affect software quality. The IT industry giants such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle etc. are allocating a large amount of talent to such software development, but according to Sudophilosophical, sometimes too many talent resources are involved in software development It may slow down.

Apple has also been pointed out in the past few years that the core software of iOS and OS X is degraded in quality, and in 2014IOS 8 is full of bugsUpdates are withdrawn in iOS 9.1 or new features in iOS 9.1Install at nightIf you do, all alarms will be lifted, etc, Apple users should remember themselves.

In particular, this tendency is remarkable in OS X, and in particular, it is symbolic that "iPhoto" switched from user to "photo" application that is not well-known. While integration with iOS applications is being promoted, some Apple users do not feel comfortable with this trend, and cloud services are repeatedly started and ended like "iTools" → "MobileMe" → "iCloud" , It is obvious that it causes confusion in part. A famous Apple userMarco ArmentMr. also said "Apple hardware has reached a record high level in the past but it is uncertain about future developments of software quality in recent years.It was a story that laughed Windows users several years ago The problem seems to be happening in Apple's OS. "

IT-based journalistWalt MossbergMr. Apple also said about software quality, "The quality and reliability of the software of iOS and OS X are gradually declining.If instead of pursuing big dreams like smart watch and car, core software It seems like the development of the game is under way. " Sudophilosophical points out that part of this cause is "not able to properly manage large numbers of human resources".

Despite lots of users being fascinated by Apple products, the usage rate of Google and Microsoft software is increasing, which means that users are less reliable on Apple software. Sudophilosophical is worried that "If software quality degradation affects the reliability of the brand as it is, it could affect the sales of future Apple Watch and CarPlay", and thorough software by Tim Cook It states that leveraging development is necessary.

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log