About 15 Wikipedia celebrating the 15 th anniversary on 15th January 15 trivia not unexpectedly

ByJohann Dréo

January 15, 2016, free online encyclopediaWikipediaCelebrated its 15th anniversary. It is a Wikipedia that started from the English version in 2001, but now it seems that there are about 300 languages ​​and 36 million pages of contents. Wikipedia is updating 80 thousand volunteers, whose revenue is made up of donations from users, but Wikipedia has 15 events that happened in the 15 years from birth to 2016 It is summarized.

Wikipedia 15

1: Wiki is born
In 1995, I am an American programmerWard CunninghamMr. opened the site which adopted "Wiki" for the first time in the world. "Wiki" is the world's first Internet platform that allows multiple people to edit sentences at the same time, and this is the origin and Wikipedia is born. In addition, "Wiki" is a word meaning "fast" in Hawaiian, it seems to have taken from the "Wiki Wiki shuttle bus" running in Honolulu International Airport.

ByOpen Affairs Television

2: Diversification
At the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization that runs Wikipedia, you can also use it for freedictionary·textbook·Quotation·Learning tools·Travel guideWe also offer.

3: Wikipedia exhibition
The first exhibition on Wikipedia in the world was held March 17, 2006. It was held in the library of the University of Göttingen in Germany.

Regarding this exhibitionWikipedia PageSo, there are several photos taken of the exhibition like the one shown below.

Wikipedia-Ausstellung 09.jpeg
"Wikipedia-Ausstellung 09"VonManuel Schneider(Bla)(+/-)-Selbst fotografiert. Lizenziert unterCC BY-SA 3.0ÜberWikimedia Commons.

4: Bot active in the shade
In order to eliminate the need for volunteers to do unnecessary work and laborious work, Bot is doing a variety of work in the shade of Wikipedia. In the case of the English version of Wikipedia, he seems to be using about 2,000 bots, and each bot seems to have a name. For example, a bot named "PhotoCatBot" will help you find photos to use on Wikipedia pages.

There are bots in the bots operated by Wikipedia to eliminate "vandalism" acts by malicious persons such as altering the contents of the page and making it.

How has Wikipedia continued to eradicate vandalism such as alteration and seizure? - GIGAZINE

5: World's Most Visited Website
In 2007, Wikipedia was chosen as the top 10 of the world's most visited websites. In addition, it seems that Wikipedia was the only website operated nonprofit among the top ten.

6: Wikipedians (Wikipedian)
The person working at Wikipedia is called "Wikipedia". Wikipedia 's job is to create rules and guidelines to help Wikipedia' s writing and editing, and to make it easy for the user to realize that it is a Wikipedian.

7: First uploaded to Wikimedia Commons
It is a database of images, sounds and videos that anyone can use "Wikimedia CommonsIt was a picture of a pair of quails that was first uploaded to.

Two Gambel's Quail (Callipepla gambelii) - Paradise Valley, Arizona, ca 2004

8: The first written on "Poodle" page
The first thing created on Wikipedia is "poodleIt was the page of. Although it seems that only 8 words were described at the beginning, explanation text exceeding 5000 words is added now.

9: Fight for the freedom of the Internet
In 2012, WikipediaStop Online Piracy ActAs a protest against the service, suspended the service.

10: The page with the second most frequent editing in Wikipedia ... ...
In the 15-year history of the English version of Wikipedia, the page with the second largest number of edits is "WrestlingAbout the page.

When I decided on Wikivoyage's new logo, I competed with the new logo to the endA planWas a "logo the snake got on a magical carpet".

Wikivoyage magic carpet.svg
"Wikivoyage magic carpet"By renderingL. Shyamal; IdeaM: User: Micru-Own workLicensed underCC0ViaWikimedia Commons.

12: British soldier Adrian Carton de Weiert's article has been retweeted more than 3,500 times
British Lieutenant General of the ArmyAdrian Carton de WeirtHe was born in Brussels, Belgium on May 5, 1880 and died on June 5, 1963. In the First World War I was awarded the most prestigious Victoria Cross Order, and I am also serving the Bohr War and the Second World War. Sir Weat is such a person who shot the face, head, abdomen, ankle, legs, buttocks and ears with a gun and survived while experiencing two aircraft crash accidents, when becoming a prisoner of war I have experienced digging the tunnel and jailbreak. Also, it is said that when a doctor refused to cut a finger, he bit off his finger. Sir Weaute said at the time of World War I said that "To be honest, I enjoyed the war."

13: Wikipedia holds past mischief list
One day,"ByronMilky editing that Sir has kept crocodiles and rats as pets was done. Sir Byron keeps lots of cats, dogs, horses and the like, and also keeps foxes, monkeys, hawks, crows, eagles, peacocks, hollow butterflies, cranes, badgers, goose, goosefish, goats, etc. It seems that it was very difficult to judge whether this editing is mischievous or not.

14: Prediction of disease spread from data on Wikipedia
Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory have calculated very accurate predictions about the spread of dengue in Brazil, the United States, Japan, Poland and Thailand from the data on Wikipedia.

Scientists use Wikipedia search data to forecast spread of flu - LA Times

15: It takes 16 years to read all articles of English Wikipedia
The time required to read all the pages published on the English version of Wikipedia is 16 years. Of course it will take 16 years to continue reading without sleeping or taking a break.

In addition, in the 15th anniversary commemorative site "Wikipedia 15", introduction of others who are editing Wikipedia, introduction of users donating more than 1,000 dollars in 2015, pages to tell the financial situation, etc. are released.

Wikipedia 15

In addition, in commemoration of the 15th anniversary of Wikipedia, Tokyo also seems to have events for authors / editors on January 24, 2016. Although admission fee is free, it seems necessary to apply in advance, so those who are interested are required check.

Wikipedia 15th anniversary event Tokyo (Wikipedia 15th birthday TOKYO) | Peatix

in Note, Posted by logu_ii