Christmas animation "360 degree round and round" Christmas animation "Special Delivery" handed by creators of "Wallace and Gromit" and "Sheep of Sheep"
A short animation for Christmas, which depicts a comical chase of Santa Claus and his uncle "Special Delivery"is. This movie is a Google technology development teamGoogle ATAPThe movie project "Google Spotlight Stories"It is the latest work of the animation which can move the viewpoint around 360 degrees while playing the movie.
Google Spotlight Stories Presents: Special Delivery - YouTube
An old man who found a pretty bell while working on the snow.
As the uncle walked to the right side, when I moved the viewpoint to the right by mouse operation, my uncle brought the bell home and decorated it on the flowerpot of the eaves.
Although he was watching the flower pot bells shake while entering the house, suddenly a snowy mass from the sky sucks! I was surprised to fall.
An uncle who goes to rush to see the outside. When I'm looking for where the snow fell from ......
Snow clumps are also on the uncle.
Move the viewpoint to the sky, the criminal who dropped the snow was Santa Claus who came to deliver Christmas presents.
Santa confirms the present list along with a reindeer hidden in the shadow of the chimney.
However, the old man says "I will forgive Santa who ruined the flower pot", go up to the roof and chase Santa Claus.
Santa, fast-paced, will deliver the gift one after another. Meanwhile, the man who lost sight of Santa on the roof.
I tried to get out of the roof, but I slipped the truong and legs down the stairs. In that gap, Santa moved quickly to the next room.
When the uncle got up and looked at the room, I was surprised to find Santa's hat moving in the room.
I rushed into the room a little, but the identity was a watchdog wearing a Santa hat. Santa gets down to the second floor, looking at the gap where the uncle and the watchdog are meeting each other.
The uncle also follows Santa, but I lost sight of Santa in the room.
An uncle who gives up and goes out of the room. However, Santa was hiding on the ceiling.
Santa lightly jumps to the next apartment across the equipment for the illumination cable. My uncle is surprised again astray.
Santa lands on the balcony with a light body story.
The uncle comes down to the square after Santa, but I can not find the Santa hidden behind the snow.
Santa hides behind hiding behind a snowman.
And Santa put his legs out of the snowman into dexterity and ran away purely. However, the old man keeps searching for the square without any notice of Santa.
Santa goes to deliver gifts to a colorful door apartment.
An old man who finally noticed Santa's whereabouts as he heard the door bang down.
Hurry up to the apartment, chasing after the old guy, Santa and the watchdog begins.
Uncle who opened five of the six doors and driven Santa into the lower right room. Whether the uncle was able to catch Santa later, and whether Santa was able to safely deliver the present without being found by Uncle, please actually check with the movie.
In addition, since movies can be moved around in any direction at any time during playback, you can see how apartment residents live apart from the uncle and Santa by changing the point of view. For example, the scene below shows that a concert is being held on the other side of the uncle's house. Also, with smartphoneGoogle CardboardIf you use, you can enjoy it as a VR movie.
"Special Delivery" handles clay animation "Wallace and Gromit" and "Sheen of Sheep"Aardman AnimationsIt was produced by. You can see the making movie from below.
Google Spotlight Stories: The Making of Special Delivery - YouTube
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