Nintendo's successive hard, disassemble controller of NES, Super Famicom · N64 apart

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Report on disassembly work of smartphone and PC is now established as a popular content, but it seems that Nintendo's dismantling "controller" of successive game machinesFictivIt is published by. It looks like this self-styled "Nintendo Game Otaku" disassembling to comprehend the controller of the successive love aircraft.

Fictiv | Hardware DNA: Nintendo Controller Evolution Teardown - Part 1

In Japan, "NES (Family computer) "Nintendo's domestic game machine that was popular as" America's NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) "Was sold as. That NES controller is such a design. The color pattern is different, but it is almost the same shape as the NES controller.

When all the parts are separated apart, it looks like this. You can see that it consists of surprisingly small parts.

The main board is like this.

Shift registerIs 8 bits. Chips are made by Philips'74LS165"is.

Seven cables are soldered on the back.

The design of the surface of the controller is a vinyl sticker.

◆ Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Nintendo, the world's biggest mega hit in Nintendo, is the second generation game machine "Super FamicomReleased. The main body of the American version of Super Nintendo is an angular design unlike Japan, but the controller itself seems to be the same except for the button color.

It makes me feel like this when I fall apart. As the number of buttons increased compared to Nintendo, the number of parts is also increasing.

L and R buttons attached to the top are distinctive. It consists of plastic buttons, rubber bushings and bumpers on the board, and it is far more durable than round buttons and horizontally elongated rubber buttons.

Main board isMitsumiMade. There are a total of 12 button inputs.

The back of the case says that there are marks like cryptography in some places.

Cover of the surface. If you attach the button from the back, it becomes like this.

The thickness of the case is about 2 mm.

"Successor of Super Nintendo's"NINTENDO 64"Controller. The analog stick is mounted in the center, realizing a new operation feeling.

It makes me feel like this when I fall apart. Composition of 14 buttons and 1 joystick.

The controller of NINTENDO 64 had a controller pack slot for saving data.

When removing the cover it looks like this. The bumper structure of the LR button is evolving.

It is obvious at NINTENDO 64 that the printed circuit board is pretty precise. The processing capability is greatly upgraded to support 14 buttons and a joystick.

It is like this when disassembling all parts of the joystick.

Ball joints and springs ......

It consists of gears, etc., and it has a rather complicated structure.

This time, it is the controller of Famicom, Super Nintendo, NINTENDO 64 that was disassembled, but this is still part 1. In part 2Nintendo GameCube,Wii,Wii UIt is scheduled to release a disassembly review of the controller and game pad.

in Hardware,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log