The difference in chip manufacturers of iPhone 6s proves that it does not affect batteries at all


The new A9 chip of the iPhone 6s is manufactured by two companies, Samsung and TSMC, depending on which chip is loaded and the battery duration is differentReportAlthough it is made public, there are experimental results that newly "There is almost no difference in holding batteries when using the iPhone everyday."

Battery Tests Find No iPhone 6s Chipgate Problems - Consumer Reports

The new A9 chip installed in the iPhone 6s has two models made by Samsung and TSMC, and the problem that Samsung made no batteries was clarified from multiple battery reports.

If the CPU such as iPhone 6s is manufactured by Samsung, there is no battery more than TSMC made, how to check is Gore - GIGAZINE

In response to this problem, nonprofit organizations testing products and servicesConsumer ReportsSo, iPhone 6It will bend in your pocketFollowing the problem, iPhone 6s dedicated tests were conducted. Instead of using the benchmark test application, he said that he created a test environment close to the real life environment. Test results show that although the battery duration time of the iPhone 6s / 6s Plus is shorter than that of the old model iPhone 6, the manufacturer of the chip does not affect the possession of the battery.

In the test, we started by identifying the chip manufacturer of iPhone 6s. Delivered on the App StoreLirum Device Info LiteYou can check the chip ID by using the free application called TSMC, if the displayed ID is "N 71 mAP", you can identify it as Samsung if it is "N 71 AP".

Next, prepare two terminals equipped with Samsung chips and TSMC chips and adjust the iOS version, notification settings, network connection, application type, display brightness and so on to be exactly the same. Moreover, in order to avoid the problem that the battery duration differs for each carrier, it seems that both T - Mobile 's SIM cards were used.

The test to measure battery holding was done in a special room that shuts out electromagnetic waves from the outside and said that we conducted an experiment using an emulator simulating the mobile data communication of mobile phones. Experimental results show that both the TSMC chip and the two iPhones 6s with Samsung chips can communicate for 5 hours in a row and the battery duration of both can be as little as 2% It became clear.

In another test, while continuing to play music while browsing the website, it verifies how many hours the battery has. As a result, both iPhone 6s operated for eleven hours continuously, and the battery duration was only 1% difference. When examining the temperature of the terminal during the test, the surface temperature was about 30 degrees Celsius and the difference in temperature by the chip manufacturer was less than 1%.

Consumer Reports received experimental results and commented that battery performance differs depending on usage environment because each smartphone user's use frequency is different, "While iPhone 6s is a chip maker, battery life and terminal temperature rise I can not see a big difference. "

in Mobile,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log