Movie playing alone with a violin "printed" on a 3D printer

Although a musical instrument which can be said to be a synonym of an orchestra playing classical music is "violin", although the violin is "printed" using a 3D printer, a movie actually being played in the form of a single band is released.

Review of the first 3D printed Violin - 3Dvarius - YouTube

The whole picture of "one person band" looks like this. From the left is a cymbal, a tambourine, a cajón, and a violin with a transparent body.

A strange violin placed on easel. "PaulineThe violin named "Violin" is more suitable for calling "object" rather than "musical instrument", but it is a musical instrument that can actually be played.

At the foot of the player is an effector for multiple electric guitars.

Plug the cable also into the instrument itself. Apparently Pauline seems to be an electric violin playing with electricity.

Using an effector, first record a rhythm carved in Cajon. Performing a "one person band" by overlapping sounds according to this rhythm.

Next to the drum, the bass performance. Apparently, using the built-in functions of the effector to transform the violin sound into a base sound.

And finally playing the 3D printed violin "Pauline". The tone is quite hard and dry impression because the pickup picks up the vibration of the string directly by the pickup without having the resonance part which makes the sound resonate inside, but the expression of the phrase to be spun out is exactly the violin itself. It seems to be said that it is better to play with a small number of units and bands than playing in a form like an orchestra.

By being an electric violin, it is built in an effectorWow pedalIt is also possible to add expressions to sound using.

In the latter half of the movie where the performance has been exciting, like an electric guitardistortionAlso distorting the sound and playing. The appearance of playing with an expansive tone seemed quite pleasant.

In addition, you can see all the details of creating this 3D print violin "Pauline" in the following movies, so be sure to see them here as well.

Making of the first 3D printed violin - 3Dvarius - N ° 1 named Pauline - YouTube

in Hardware,   Video,   Art, Posted by darkhorse_log