Cirque K Sunkus supervised "Legendary Sota Donburi" which recreated the flavor of garlic-soy sauce Sare · I tried eating 4 items of Suta-don menu

In Circle K Sunkus, from August 4, 2015, in the Kanto, Niigata, Nagano, Shizuoka area "Legendary soup bowlsThere are 6 menu items supervised by the lineup for a limited time only. This time at the timing of cutting off one week until the end of the sales period"Spicy spicy soba" "Sumida musubi" "Sumida burger" "Legendary soup bowl"I actually decided to purchase four items and try to eat what the taste of "Legendary Suta-Don" is reproduced.

(PDF file)Hot summer is the stamina menu! "Legendary Sota Donburi" Supervised Item From Circle K and Sunkus in Kanto, Niigata, Nagano, Shizuoka District from August 4

So I bought 4 items under sale at the circle K Sunkus in Tokyo. At the time of article creation, sales of "Watermelon Curry" and "Oil soba" had already ended.

◆ "Legendary noodles"(555 yen including tax)
First of all, I will eat "legendary soupe rice" no matter what. It is interesting to see how much the bowl menu that many enthusiastic fans are reproduced is reproduced. For the product, a semi-mature egg is provided separately.

The calorie per piece is 764 kcal and quite a sense of volume. Domestic rice is used for rice. Range heating time is 2 minutes and 30 seconds with a range of 500 watts.

Be careful as it will become an egg only if you do not remove the egg-shaped egg set on the outside of the lid when heating.

When the range up is completed, if you give a half-rounded egg on it, "Legendary Suta-Don" is completed. Is that taste splendidly reproduced?

We could not finish thoroughly and only pork was eaten. Rich Garlic Sauce Sauce has become a seasoned seasoned well, and the flavor is exactly the legendary soup bowl itself. The flavor of the green onion that sometimes feels is as it is. However, on the other hand, it may be an unavoidable part that the "pull feel" of pork that can be tasted at stores is inferior. However, you can tell that the taste of that sauce can be tasted as it is, it is understood that it is a level which is not an overstatement.

Bored with rice. It is cruel to compare it with a store, but it was finished in a taste that you can enjoy the reproduction of Sueto rice enough to taste as a box lunch for convenience stores.

A little disappointingly, since the sauce is not much involved in rice, depending on the place, it may be where you got scattered about the part where it became "ordinary white rice".

Even in such a case, it was possible to cover it with a good feeling if you entwined semi - aged eggs attached separately.

◆ "Pickled spicy soba"(498 yen including tax)
Next, I will try to eat 'Pyrannya Oil Soba', which is hard to sprinkle with rice oil.

Noodle Weight 350 g and a menu full of volume, and on the top of the noodles are the pictures of chashues and bean sprouts, menma and leeks on it.

The calorie per piece is just 970 kcal and it is exactly volume full. It seems that it is finished in spicy spicy sauce based sauce that seems to be "legendary noodle bowl".

I put it in a microwave oven. This time I cooked it in the household microwave oven, but the specified range-up time was 500 watts and it was 5 minutes 10 seconds.

Waiting 5 minutes 10 seconds, I got a spicy spicy soba noodle. However, from the name "Oil soba", the color of the noodle is slightly felt ... ...

That was because the sauce near the oil was accumulated at the bottom of the bowl.

So, before you eat, stir it slowly from the bottom noodles, so that the sauce spreads throughout. Chashues and bean sprouts are mixed up, but please mercilessly mingle with hearts as demons.

First I tried eating only a pork cutie. The compatibility of soft fatty chashued with spicy spicy sauce is exceptional, it feels like you can eat quickly while feeling spicy and spicy.

A sprout of having spicy spicy sauce, Menma also produces spicy. The main spicy seems to come out of this sprout sauce.

Sprout thick noodles and sliced ​​rice, sprinkle onion and shake it all at once. The volume feeling of noodles is a perfect score, and it really makes me feel like eating. Spicy sauce is not too spicy, it is finished to the extent that it gives a good taste accents. Especially it is a response to eating like "Oil soba", but surprisingly it was a volume feeling that I could finish with Assasserie.

◆ "Sumida Musubi"(260 yen including tax)
Next, I will eat "Sumitomo Musubi" that it was developed under the concept "You can eat one bowl of rice bowl". Pork with garlic soy sauce and sour sauce, and egg yolk sauce seem to be inside.

The calorie per piece is 351 kcal. Stir-fried rice with domestic rice, stir-fried pork-onion, garlic, soy sauce sweet potato, egg yolk processed goods etc. are used.

I put it in a microwave oven and warm it at 500 watts for 45 seconds, the cooking is completed.

I put it on a dish. The size is about a little smaller than the fist of an adult male, and it has become the so-called "genkotsu onigiri" size.

When breaking down the rice balls, pork with unique potatoes revealed along with the powerful fragrance of garlic sauce sauce. A person who has eaten rice bowl can be raised in a moment, the fragrance of the sauce with its garlic flavor sweeps and strikes and it is attacked by an unavoidable impulse to want to hurry quickly.

When you eat a single mouth, you can feel strong taste of rich garlic sauce and sesame sauce and pork, a level where you can get satisfaction with this taste alone. On the other hand, thanks to the egg yolk sauce on the side of the pork, moderate mildness was added to the taste. Rice is used in an amount of about two normal rice balls, and it is usually "Sumida Musubi" which is full of volume feeling even if there is someone who will be full of stomach only by this.

◆ "Sumitomo Burger"(398 yen including tax)
Finally I try to eat "Sumitomo Burger" of the original menu which is not offered at "Legendary Suta Bonnaya" store. Products are sold with plastic containers firmly guarded.

This burger is a buns with hamburger steaked pork baked pork and the amount of calories per piece is 581 kcal and it is expected to be quite voluminous.

Range and warm it for 500 seconds at 500 watts. A little buns were shirred, but a hot burger was completed.

On top of the hamburger steak pork with garlic soy sauce saga is on top, with egg yolk sauce and mayonnaise on top.

Gabri and a mouth. The mouthfeeling hamburger steak and a little puffy pork's texture has become a mysterious eating comfort, and the impression that the flavor of garlic soy sauce sagger is powerfully raising the whole taste. Thanks to egg yolk sauce and mayonnaise it was a burger whose impressive mouthfeel not found in any other menu remained impressive.

With this kind of situation, we surpassed 4 items whose sale is continued out of the "Legendary Sota Donburi" supervision menu. In both cases, the taste of "unique" was reproduced well, and it was a finish that was satisfactory enough. "Sumitomo Musubi" and "Legendary Suta-Don" are sold until September 14 (Monday) until "August 31 (Monday)" and "Sumitomo Burger" and "Pyranny Oil Soba" It seems that you may challenge once before you can not get it.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by darkhorse_log