Why is a negative person easy to lose, a positive aspect of negative thinking?

ByParis Buttfield-Addison

Being pessimistic is often caught as bad,Anxiety and concern are linked with high IQIt is also known that there are also good aspects. That is why a movie that explained the positive aspects of negative thinking with easy-to-understand animation was made public.

Pessimism Is Good For You: "The Science of Us" Episode 6 - YouTube

People often encourage people who are negative about "to become more positive".

Sometimes it says "If you become positive, you can achieve your goal ..."

In fact, research in the past knows that positive thinking and optimism prevents achieving goals.

On the other hand, a bit of negativeness is a great help to achieve the goal.

This was discovered by a German psychologist named Gabriel Ettingen who studies "optimism" from the 1980's.

In 1991, Mr. Ettingen investigated women participating in the diet program.

What I learned at this time is that women who were pessimistic that "I think it is difficult to lose weight and diet will not succeed" before the start of the program is finally more than a woman who was optimistic about dieting To say that it was thin.

A woman who was saying a negative opinion seemed to average about 10.9 kg more than a woman who was saying positive opinion.

After that, when we conducted a variety of surveys on "children fighting abdominal pain" and "women going to business school" for 20 years, one conclusion was drawn.

That means "Optimistic fantasy is not only helping to achieve the goal, but also becomes an obstacle."

When people immerse themselves in an optimistic fantasy, they will ignore obstacles in front of them.

Therefore, even if you think "to defeat your uncle!", Without looking to an indecent uncle ... ....

Naturally, I will not go to the gym to train my body to defeat my uncle.

Just being a fantasy of "myself acquiring enough knowledge to be able to defeat my uncle as a musculor prone fighter."

That does not mean "always be pessimistic", but the idea of ​​"WOOP" is recommended as a reasonable pessimistic to achieve the goal.

First of all, in WOOP, I have wishes and hopes like "I wish my uncle is obstinate".

Next, I will consider the desired outcome and concrete method to realize it. In the case of a young man in the picture, "Your uncle who killed the king should accept the crime" has become.

It is next stage that you need to become negative. Let's list it as long as you come up with something that will hinder the achievement of your goal. A young man in the picture seems to be obstacles such as the absence of his action ability.

Then, after considering the number of obstacles, I will plan a plan to achieve the goal.

If a fault appears during execution of the plan, we will implement the remedy we thought. Let's do your best with whatever you do.

It is important to think of disability, but do not forget the dreaming positiveness. That way you will be able to achieve the goals that could not be realized with positive dreams.

in Science,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log