Why does a person's hair hurt?
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Movie that explained in an easy-to-understand manner "Why does a person keep bald when taking years?"Why Do People Go Bal?"Is published on YouTube. I created a videoSciShowSo, I've uploaded a lot of movies that came close to the mystery of science and history.
Why Do People Go Bald? - YouTube
"Why does a person keep bald?"
There are two main factors that cause baldness, "hormone" and "gene".
Hormones decide how to grow their hair, but it is a type of male hormonetestosteroneOf the scalpHair follicle(pores)By converting to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) inside, the hair follicles will shrink and the hair will become thinner. Ultimately hair will not grow at all from the hair follicle, the whole scalp will be bald.
The mechanism by which DHT causes baldness is not yet clarified.
Male has higher testosterone value, and men are about 6 times more prone to fauna than women. From the state of Fusafusa, the process of decreasing the hair of men ......
The overall volume gradually decreases.
Forehead hair comes out, the hairline retreats ... ...
The top of the head will be slippery.
Testosterone is also present in the body of a woman, but in a very small amount compared with men, instead of female hormoneestrogenThere are many.
In women, the amount of secretion of estrogen decreases after menopause and the influence of testosterone becomes strong, so it seems that the hair becomes thinner and easier to hold out.
How to balance the hair is greatly different between men and women, and in women the volume of the whole hair seems to gradually decrease.
It is rare that the hairline retreats like a man, and the hair gradually escapes from the entire scalp.
It is difficult to know in advance "whether you will be haired in the future", but according to the research it is known that the bald factor is related to certain genes.
Some of the genes causing the hair to be bald areX chromosomeIncluded in.
Since men have only one X chromosome, we inherit the genetic information concerning baldness contained in the X chromosome as it is from the parent.
Because a woman has two X chromosomes, it is thought that her parents may inherit either "unbalanced gene", it is harder to be bald than men.
Besides, the genetic mutation contained in chromosome 20 contains genetic information that makes men 7 times more prone to female vulgarity.
A number of drugs that suppress baldness have been developed, for exampleFinasterideThe medicine containing it has the effect of suppressing the secretion of DHT.
MinoxidilIt has the effect of promoting the blood flow of the scalp and making hair grow easily by spreading hair follicles. In Japan, Taisho Pharmaceutical incorporated a mineral oil containing 5% minoxidil "RiUP X5"We sell.
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