Possibility to be able to be complimented by crime using unnecessary bandwidth by using popular browser extension

ByPanda Security France

There are some movies and music published on the web that are subject to regional restrictions, but there are services that will allow you to unlock regional restrictions. Extensions for Firefox and Chrome to unlock such regional restrictions "HolaIt was revealed that the user's bandwidth was sold by another owned service.


Hola VPN Sells Users' Bandwidth, Founder Confirms | TorrentFreak

The service called Hola,P2PUsing technologyVPN(Virtual private network), and each user becomes the VPN end point. For example, if a user in Japan wishes to browse regionally restricted American content, using Hola, users in Japan will be able to view regionally restricted content via Hola users in the United States That's it. This is a different point from other VPN services that have their own servers, because Hola can provide services free of charge.

So, how about Hola is developing the service as a business, say the band used by free usersLuminatiHe says that he is profitable on another service owned by Hola. "Hola sells the band of users with Luminati" is the Internet bulletin board version8chanIt is Mr. Fredrick Brennan who is the administrator of.

According to the message published by Mr. Brennan on the bulletin board, 8chan from Hola's networkDoS attackAfter receiving the investigation, it turned out that a user named Bui used an attack on Hola 's Luminati. A user named Bui tells Mr. Brennan that he attacked using Luminati, and as long as the user Bui is not lying, purchasing a circuit of Hola user from Luminati and doing a DoS attack via that line It is possible.

Brennan who actually registered with Luminati will guide you that the line usage fee is $ 20 per GB (about 2500 yen)EmailHe is saying, he said "Hola is definitely selling free user's line via Luminati".

Users who use Hola for free are likely to be incorporated into the botnet without being aware of themselves and be responsible for crimes. IT related mediaTorrentFreakAccording to Hola's free users 7 million people. Also, Hola did not specify the service mechanism in the FAQ, but recently added services related to the service and Luminati to the FAQ, TorrentFreak to Hola "When did you update the FAQ?" It is said that he is listening.

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log