An artificial intelligence "Watson" reproduces a strange recipe created, what is its taste?
IBM developed "WatsonIs a "cognitive computer" that learns, thinks, and analyzes itself like a human being. It was a chess world champion of the time in 1997Garrie KasparovA supercomputer that won Mr. "deep blueIn 2015"Bankrupt" as a banking staff from SMBCSuch as "Do you do better work than the human brain any longer?" And so on.
Using such Watson, a recipe by a combination of strange ingredients produced by trial and error on combinations of foods and scents around the worldIBM Chef WatsonIt is published in the recipe, I made a menu according to this recipe and I thought of eating itHowcookingworksIt is open to the public.
The Watson Dinner Party | Howcookingworks
A person operating a cooking blog "Howcookingworks" that opens various cooking methods cooks, accesses "IBM Chef Watson", actually makes and eats recipe suggested by Watson, uses these recipes I tried and error to hold a dinner party.
The following recipe was recommended when Howcookingworks tried using IBM Chef Watson for the first time. This is a dish that adds honey, shallots, rice vinegar, and Asatsuki to baked grapes, the name is "Asazuki of partyChutney".
This dish recommended for the first time by Watson said "The combination was unusual, but the taste was delicious."
The second recipe was to fried chicken thigh meat cut into bite, mixed with avocado, mushroom, turnip, snap pea, strawberry and mint. The taste is very strange, it is not bad, but it seems that it was not tasty.
As a result of trying some recipes, Howcookingworks is very concerned about "how Watson combines materials" and catches Watson's facebook page randomly. Then, an IBM engineer says, "We are making recipes on the assumption that" a combination of flavors would be this ", but it is born by dare to remove the combination of ingredients and flavor preferred in" western " I am also aiming for a synergistic effect. "
By "to dare to undo", Watson is crafting a strange flavorful dish, but then it tends to be a combination of materials that is too odd, so it was too far from taste like taste about. Howcookingworks has made a few changes to the recipe that Watson suggests on the website, and has released 6 items for parties that have finished their recipes more preferentially.
◆ 1 item: peppermint almond
Materials: almonds, honey, salt, dry peppermint flakes
Coat almonds with honey, then bake, finish dry spin peppermint leaves with powders and powdered salt. I heard that this almond actually acted as a friend at the party, and the impression that I ate "The flavor is that peppermint and saltiness slowly attacks when placing almonds on my tongue."
◆ 2 items: cucumber lemonade
Materials: cucumber, water, syrup, lemon juice
Cucumber lemonade can be prepared by mixing cucumber, water, sirup, lemon juice at a ratio of 1: 1: 25: 10. However, this is not arranged with the recipe of Watson, it is said that it manages the restaurant menu in Beverly Hills. It seems that you can drink deliciously if you add plenty of sweetness.
◆ 3 items: Tanzero · Shrub
Material: Tanzero, apple cider vinegar cider
It is a hybrid between oranges and buntan or grapefruitTanzeroAnd apple cider vinegar cider mixed at a ratio of 1:10 is "Tanzero Shrub". This was not arranged for Watson 's recipe, but arranged' Shrub 'which is prevalent in Los Angeles.
◆ 4 items: Grape 's chutney (pickles)
Materials: grape, rice vinegar, mustard, shallot, honey, Asatsuki
"Grape's chutney" seems to have been recipe suggested by Watson as it is at the party, one of the few recipes that Howcookingworks does not add any hands. The problem of chutney of grapes is that it is grotesque in appearance, but the taste is very good, most of the people who visited the party seemed to have a surprised expression after eating this dish.
◆ 5 items: Tomato · Tanzero · Reduction
Materials: tomato, shallot, garlic, tanzero
This menu is a recipe devised by Watson, which is a soup pot cooked squeezed juice of tomatoes, shallots, garlic and tanzero. Frozen storage is possible, easy cuisine that you can put out if you transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator the day before the party. The seasoning is like a salsa sauce but it has become a dish that does not have the flavor of oranges.
◆ 6 items: coconut gelato afogato
Materials: Coconut gelato, olive oil, frozen peanut butter, cinnamon leaf, mulberry seeds
This is not a recipe by Watson, but a recipe devised by Howcookingworks.
Howcookingworks commented, "By using Watson, the combination of ingredients that I saw was expanded." Furthermore, even if you want to use the recipe devised by Watson, it says that it is good to add 1 or 2 new materials to the base recipe.
In addition, those who would like to try the recipe of Watson inventive idea, "Even if recipes are written in English ...", it may be better to check the recipe of the Watson inventive idea even on the Cookpad I do not.
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in Web Service, Food, Posted by logu_ii