Mavel · Gaking · Beast Bee Hee show hero show and an old-fashioned drama was performed "Mabreasobi vol 2"

A hero of justice fighting evil every day to protect Tokushima I loveAoyagaras mavelEvery time it appears in the venue of Machi ★ Asobi he is doing hero activities such as fighting evil and helping the progress of the event.Machi ★ Asobi vol.14On the last day is "Mavreasovi vol 2"A workshop-like show where you can get together with everyone with a smile" was held.

【Mavel's invocation information - May 3 to 5, 2015】 | Aodorin marvel

"Mavurismobi vol 2 friends' characters are also calling! The venue of Shinchomachi Higashi Koen Stage (Yamaguchi Higashi Koen Stage) is playing at the venue of Shinmachihashi Eastern Park! . As Mavel asked customers about where they came from, over half of them came from outside the prefecture.

And secret society of the evil veterans of the violence team · iron manGakingAppeared. Gaiking is enthusiastic about getting caught up in the venue of Machi ★ Asobi, but soothe the gaking that Mavel will do everything fun.

Giving out the restraint of such Maver, Gaking will show off a big jump many times to boost the venue.

Mavel drew himself back in the auditorium and started chatting with the customers that he was no good.

A cheering chef to the hero show will be sent from the roundabout ship which passed the back of the stage.

Suddenly declaring that gaking will open a dance course to make friends with everyone, three cooperators are selected from the audienceNice manWe dance to the theme song of everyone.

The final of the dance decided by each person pose!

In spite of everyone smiling at the dance, Mauvel finally adds justice sanctions to the gaking that is going to rampage still.

Gaining that will be blown off in front of the power of Mavel's justice.

The venue is exciting as a hero like me to beat evil.

It seems that gaiking turned out that he showed his magic tricks so he forgave the evil. Using a helmet, show off the magic that spins the neck.

And also try Mavel, I will give you a helmet. My head is too big, my helmet does not stop, mawelle of confusion combined with the magic tricks of magic tricks.

Aiming there, Gaking fights back. A cheering cheering will be sent from the venue to Maver, who will be a footballer, "Ganbare!"

As if being invited to cheering, from the side of the stageAnimal beast(じ ゅ う べ え) appears as a wandering traveler. Beast Beef is a bovine robot character coming from Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture.

However, Beast Beebe was narrow in sight and could not come down to the stage, so once she interrupted the play, Gaying and Maver supported Beast Beauty.

And the restart of the play. Beast Beef will do three games and a Janken trial to help Mavel.

The priest who played the Pencil scallion followed the game and the game ended with a sword and beast Beebean and the resurrected mavel attacked the gaging together.

Next, the cafe which can do voice training in Tokushima city "Sakie cafeEveryone of you appeared. A collaboration project was carried out that the mavels play skit silently and the staff of Sakie cafe aims at the stage from the side of the stage.

After the mauve showed a model, we are looking for a person who wants to do a skit from the audience seats.

A skit by Atlantis & Atereko while supporting by Mavel, Gaking, Beast Beast, Sakie cafe staff can be seen in the following movie.

'Mavura Sobi vol 2' Mavel or an old-fashioned drama by audience & atherereco - YouTube

For those who participated in the drama, a prize was given a prize that Mavel made on the previous night at night.

Although the skit by the customer was staggered, but with support from the staff, it was exactly "a workshop-like show that made me smile and can work with everyone".

Finally a buddy and a bow. Mavell quickly ran to the next event.

in Coverage,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log