Hungarian euro banknotes made by artists are fancy like genuine design
In Hungary where the euro has not been introduced, the artistsBarbara BernátMake a Hungarian euro banknote as an art work. There is no value as money, but while not being circulated, its making is very elaborate and finished in a work as if it exists as if it existed.
Hungarian paper money on Behance
Barbara made banknotes, lizards and grasses written 5 Hungarian euro,DormouseWhenNanakamadoIs painted 10 Hungarian euro and other animals and plants familiar to Hungary are drawn.

Rough sketch is like this.

Reproducing the atmosphere of a real bill by stacking two pictures.

When you look at the bill with the black light applied, the bone structure of the animal emerges as it emerges.

It is also perfect for your wallet's wallet, and the size has become quite reasonable.

10 Looking up the Hungarian euro banknote is like this.

Dormouse contains fine lines, and fine lines like annual rings are also included in the background.

Plant called Nanakamado with fruit.

20 Hungarian euro is drawn like a nest behind a crow, the back isAmerica tin tetanusIs drawn.

Level that processing is done also in font of number and may not notice even if it is handed as genuine bill.

Barbara says that he is producing this art work with the goal of making quality notes more than the government makes. Maybe the day will come when this banknote really circulates.
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in Art, Posted by darkhorse_log