Hawk's claw group · Yoshida-kun will be rejuvenated & birthday will be changed

Even fictitious characters are common cases where birthdays and profiles are set finely, one of them is Yoshida-kun, who appears in the "Secret Society Hawk's Claw". However, it became clear that the birthday and profile are changed now. It is doubtful whether there is a deep meaning to the birthday setting of the character of the gag animation, but there was a reason to change only there.

Hawk's claw .jp

Yoshida-kun's birthday change announcement of hawk's claw group - YouTube

"Yoshida-kun holy festival"

...... President sitting under the royal festival seems to have dreamed.

That dream is that Yoshida-kun was not pleased at all although February 14th was Yoshida-kun's birthday tomorrow. What was that dream ... ....

When I noticed it, the president was standing in Yoshida-kun and the stormy meadow.

What was informed to the president on the spot ... ...

It was the fact that Yoshida-kun's birthday changed from this year.

"What's all oh ~ ~"

So, until now Yoshida's birthday was "February 14", but this year "July 27" has come. It is a story about what you are talking about ......

The reason is that February 14th was not recognized as a birthday of Yoshida at all at Valentine's Day, it is just a day when the rhythm is exciting but why is July 27th, FROGMAN Because my wedding anniversary is July 27th. ...... It seems to be the intention of the Creator that Yoshida-kun's birthday will not forget.

FROGMAN not only birthday but also "changed my profile."

That's why the new Yoshida-kun's profile looks like this. Birthday moved, age rejuvenated from 24 years old to 21 years old, bonito clause was added to favorite food. Is it true that his real name is Katsuo only?

The change of "rejuvenating 3 yrs old" seems to be like a foreign athlete named "Because I did not know my birthday well ...". Also, as long as the celebration items arrive on the birthday of the character, it is meaningless to change the character's birthday anyway, even if it is a serial magazine of weekly boy's magazine. No, I will not be buried in Valentine's Day From this year, it will be filled with Yoshida-kun's birthday memorial illustration drawn by everyone ... ....

in Video,   Anime, Posted by logc_nt