Google Glass "graduates" Google X to the next step, a step towards commercialization

ByTed Eytan

We announced that "Glass" of glasses type information terminal project which has been developed since 2012 is independent from Google's research laboratory "Google X lab". In the future it is called "Father of iPod" and Google bought it in 2014NESTIt is expected that the flow of genuine product development will be accelerated as development will be promoted under Mr. Tony Fadel leading the company.

We're graduating from Google [x] labs It's hard to believe that Glass started ...

In Google blog posted on January 15, Google Glass project from Google X as "You no longer grew beyond laboratory level"graduateAnnouncing that to do. At the same time, it was revealed that the sale of the current model of Google Glass, which had been sold for general purpose as a "beta version", will be closed on January 19 th.

Google Glass, a wearable information terminal, was originally sold to some developers when announced in 2012. From 2014 onwards, sales are also being made to the general public in the United States, and applications are developed as usage for enterprisesGlass at WorkDevelopment has been undertaken in various situations, such as the start of the program. In May 2014 Mr. Ivy Ross, who was transformed from the fashion industry, led the development as a project leader.

In the future, Mr. Tony Fadel will be involved in the development of the Google Glass project. Mr. Fadel is a former Apple executive who has a background in charge of product design for iPod and iPhone. Companies developing smart house related technology after retiring from the company "NESTAlthough it was launched, it was acquired by Google in 2014. The following picture is Google Larry Page CEO and Fadel.

Mr. Ross who has led the project so far enters the jurisdiction of Mr. Fadel, and in the future both will form tags and further development will be continued. Mr. Fadel commented on the cooperative relationship with Mr. Ross "It is very exciting, and I will comment on how we will reflect the know-how she has gained so far in future product creation."

Sales will be discontinued on the traditional Google Glass on January 19, but in 2015 a new model will be released that reflects the development results so far. Although it is a groundbreaking device, although Google Glass has been regarded as a bottleneck for the absence of killer apps and short running times, interest has gained attention as to what kind of direction will be launched by this organization change That's right.

in Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log