Headline news on January 9, 2015

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 18:00 Jan 09, 2015, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Television Animation"SLAM DUNK (Slam Dunk)"Answering Mr. Anzai's chin, in the same way as the main character · Sakuragi Hanamichi did," Tanapi counter at Anzai teacher "will be released from January 10 (Saturday) to 12th (Monday ), I am going to triumph in Shibuya's animate.

This counter was made in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of "SLAM DUNK TV animation" and "SLAM DUNK Blu-ray Collection" release, and since the summer of 2014 it has traveled around nationwide animate. There was also a scene where Mr. Anzai was going down too much because it was too taptaped, but it will come back and will come back to Shibuya after accomplishing the national championship. This is the last tappt, so if you are not yet taped or you do not want tapptap, please make a tappt at the 3 consecutive holidays.

The Blu - ray Collection will be released on Vol. 5 of the 62th to 81th episodes on January 9th (Friday), released on March 13th (Friday) Vol.5.

By the way, the past article of GIGAZINE of the same month in the same month was like this.

Why do people forget about the memories they experienced when they were young? - GIGAZINE

Reason why power consumption jumps by orders of magnitude after the end of popular TV program in the UK - GIGAZINE

Initial hint of Sudoku Minimum number is "17", mathematicians conclude that it can not be solved at less than that - GIGAZINE

◆ Story (memo · various others)
CNN.co.jp: A large snake from a toilet bowl, a female astounding rice San Diego

Painful news (No ∀ `): 【Image】 Italian famous chef" I devised pasta sushi "- Livedoor blog

Toei version Spider-Man's Leopardon, finally appearing Marvell official First bull star - Golden Times

◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
Life science paper: "Illegal image" net post To Osaka University and Tokyo University confirm - Mainichi Newspaper

People who call himself "Anonymous A" pointed out on the Internet that there are images suspected of being cut and used in about 80 pieces of life science research papers published by researchers such as Osaka University and Tokyo University , It turned out that both universities and others began to confirm the facts. We also discovered that fraudulent problems in STAP cell papers were pointed out on the Internet as well.

More anger towards fabrication problems | Think of Japanese science

Anonymous A

The Mainichi Shimbun has not made a little ○.

"It will not hurt or itch,"

Although I wrote,

"It will not hurt or itch,"

It is not written.

The impression given is completely different.

I wonder if I just wrote that I forgot that long ago.

Also, I do not think I have found any upside-down patterns ,,,

In any case, if I committed suicide, could Momoko Suda write an "anonymous scientist"? Can not you sell it?

What is unspiked bread? ... Strange article of the Asahi Newspaper | FOOCOM.NET

Also in 'Interstellar', unexpected business of space junk shop: Nikkei Business Online

◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Udon chain store 1st store withdrew from Kagawa prefecture H | Kagawa news | Shikoku Shimbun

Todor, a major eating restaurant, (Kobe City) closes the Marugame noodle Kuribayashi Park store in Muroso-machi, Takamatsu City, Kagawa prefecture on the 18th. Kuribayashi park store is the first store in the prefecture of Marugame noodle which develops 781 stores nationwide (as of August 8).

Removed "comfort women" from textbooks Public citizens of high school, from this spring - 47 NEWS (Yona no News)

Five satirical caricatures, laughing at the sacrifice authority, kindness to the vulnerable: Asahi Shimbun Digital

Okinawa Governor Kiyoshi LDP leader "Because it is not Nakai Masae": Asahi Shimbun Digital

Ribbed rubber mixed from lunch box to fried NHK News

The management company of a major boxed-lunch sales chain "Hottato" said that rubber bands were mixed in "from fried" in the box lunch sold by stores in Shizuoka City, and thoroughly prevent recurrence at all stores in the group I gave instructions.

US shale company, debt collapse due to the depreciation of the oil up to 6 billion yen: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Politician neta death NHK president "There is no item to give personal names": Asahi Shimbun Digital

Up to 45 new satellites launched in 10 years New 'Space Basic Plan' Decision: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

The government opened the Space Development Strategy Headquarters on the morning of 9th and decided on the new "Space Basic Plan" to define guidelines for Japanese space policy until FY 2024. We will prepare a system to directly use the space system for security purposes, such as surveillance of ships using satellites and information gathering. Up to 45 satellites will be launched over the next 10 years. The target to set the scale of the space industry to 5 trillion yen for public and private sectors is also included.

Nabato poisoning wine case Not accepted again NHK News

Sapporo extension ahead of schedule, economic effect 10% increase Hokkaido Shinkansen: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Medium 3, suspicion of stabbing a woman on the street without hesitating "to kill": Asahi Shimbun Digital

"I am not a fake reporter" Takashi Uemura, a comfort woman coverage · Former speech by Asahi Shimbun press conference speech (Full Text) | Lawyer Dot Com News

Comfort women coverage: former morning diaper inquires for compensation of 16.5 million yen, etc. Claimed - Mainichi Newspaper

False denial, former Korean diary filed suit Complaints coverage "criticized and damaged" - 47NEWS (Yoana News)

We will set up a home door at all 64 stations of Toyoko Line, Denento City Line, Oimachi Line with the aim of 2020 | Tokyu Line Line News | Tokyu Railway

【Buddha paper gun battle terror】 A whole story of the crime - First in the editing room Editor's long shot dead shit "Good thought of the army" I thought? (1 / 2page) - Sankei News

A Paris newspaper raid, a "shining scene" photographed by survivors 1 photo International news: AFPBB News

"Sleeping holiday" Dismissed Indian civil servant for 24 years, lastly intervening minister | World spoken word | Reuters

Lotte HD, Hiroyuki Shigemitsu vice chairman dismissed "corporate confidentiality": Asahi Shimbun Digital

Nigeria: Boko Hallam burns down the whole border town of Baga - Mainichi Newspaper

[Vice law commercial law? Branch]: Administrative penalty on "Royal Japan" who sent a request to delete evil mani

A cold wave strikes Canada and the United States, "ice quake" also frequent photographs 2 international news: AFPBB News

Government, Yasukuni Official Visit to Response Books Religion No Purpose None Constitutional Constitution - 47 NEWS (Well-being News)

"It looked like I was going to be late for my work place" Kanden staff, back to the highway suspected suspicion: Asahi Shimbun Digital

◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
One side vacancy → Do not walk as a way to change? Escalator: Nihon Keizai Shimbun

By the way, there is a mysterious regional distribution in "one side open" so let me introduce it.

For some reason, in the Kinki area (Ogaka Sekigahara west, Akashi east east) such as Osaka, Kobe etc., "right standing", in other areas such as Tokyo, Nagoya, Sapporo and Fukuoka it is divided into the opposite "left standing" It is.

Actually, there is a reason for this. According to Professor Toshi, 'overstretch' which is introduced abroad in many regions such as Europe, the United States, China, South Korea etc such as Britain, France, Germany is overwhelmingly dominant. ("Left standing" is limited to Australia, Singapore, New Zealand etc.). Therefore, mainstream "right standing" overseas was first adopted in Osaka, and it spread to the surrounding Kinki area.

In addition, Hankyu Corporation introduced "right standing" at Umeda station because there is a theory that "a right-handed person is easy to hold a rail with dominant hands".

【Kansai's debate】 Mrs. Abe's wife and Akki feel tearfully ... Teaching imperial education to kindergarts "Patriotic" kindergarten "Elementary school also goes to operations" (1 / 4th page) - after graduation, children will be crushed "- Sankei WEST

Taking out depressed employees? Concern about the new system of the country | Original | Toyo Keizai online | Business site for the new generation leader

"100 yen breakfast" of the university, 0 yen · 1 yen also appeared troubles are expenses: Asahi Shimbun Digital

About the preparedness to give birth to a child, "Kaoru who is labor" listened to Kozawa popular twittler - Togetter Summary

Since I went to New Year's Times Square's New Year's Countdown I want to experience once in my lifetime, I will paste photos and videos

I went to LaLaport Izumi in a bargain! | INS-MAGAZINE.NET

Everyone is licking a sleeping habit - About inefficient life rhythm and its generation transmission - Polar bear waste basket

Choose by dogmatism and prejudice, Messia is ranked Umaiy · Mazui Ranking | INS-MAGAZINE.ORG

The spiritual spear of the world "Dragonfly cut", the first public disclosure in 11 years Tadakatsu Honda favorite: Asahi Shimbun Digital

【2014】 47th General Science Course Study Tour 【Third Story Part 2】 master, Walking the Crater | INS-MAGAZINE.NET

Taisho University, a part-time lecturer was instructed by a female student and is naked asuka? I do not know the meaning at all ... - Togetter Summary

"Wind phone box" turn around, carpenter rush to repair: Asahi Shimbun Digital

◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Pant version of the application for Runatastic, Android and iPhone "Runtastic GPS Running & Walking" will be offered free for 2 days only on January 11th - 12th - S - MAX (S - MAX) - blog media utilizing smartphone and mobile

What should we do with Linux to welcome the 7/1 leap second? | Act as Professional

With wireless headphones, listening to music became 100 times fun: small bird Piyo piyo

Apple's design is decided by Ive: Nikkei Business Online

Many people believe that Steve Jobs is the leading player who has made the dying Apple company a step closer to becoming the world's top marketing company in only 15 years. Of course, that is no mistake with it. However, in the first place, if I was the reason I thought that Jobs would like to work hard again at Apple, he was also at the center of product development with Apple Resurrection beginning with iMac. Actually, Jonathan Ive was the treasure of Steve Jobs and eventually Apple, it was a secret weapon.

A special invitation from KORG; Join the Evolution | News | KORG

Government 'Cyber ​​Security Strategy Headquarters' Formally Launched, NISC Reorganized - ITmedia Enterprise

Succeeded in identifying the name and address of the sender at facebook "impersonation" "Japan's first" and a lawyer | Lawyer Dotcom News

Contents of the e-book "Practical Google Tag Manager Getting Started" began serialization on the Web side | Column Ayudante Co., Ltd.

Web font loading - Weblog - Hail 2u.net

Let 's write a blog. 】 I made a simple editor of markdown 【my editor】 | Project name

◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
Learn from the principle of game CG! Illustration color painting tips | Moe illustration improvement method! Drawing beginner's study room

Aoki Ume Exhibition The first solo exhibition of Aoki Ume boasting immovable popularity as a cartoonist / illustrator will be held at the Ueno Royal Museum, in the fall of 2015! It is!

"Japan Toy Grand Prize 2014" Innovative Toys category prize won! Enjoy with smartphone, amazing video Entertainment Shokugan Hako Vision | Bandai Candy Toy Official Website

◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
【Breaking News】 Yakult, Aikawa's human compensation is the second year Okumura! : Nikkan Yakiniku Bulletin

What J PRIDE: 【Baseball】 Okumura Giant who did not protect wwwwwwwwww

98: Wind blowing if there is none @ \ (^ o ^) / 2015/01/09 (Fri) 07: 04: 00.23 ID: /wMpgKGe0.net
I make a list seriously and I can see Okumura who can do it

111: Nasting in the wind Nameless @ \ (^ o ^) / 2015/01/09 (Fri) 07: 06: 17.81 ID: Wp / HYLN 40.net
>> 98
Okumura protect is absolutely impossible
Although there are some leakage calculations that relief that can do as it is in one army is calculated
I can not afford to protect Okumura

【Breaking News】 Tororidani residual wwwwwwwwww: What's Jiyui Stadium @ N J Summary

Tororya residual festival: Insane @ Nan J

Gatchaman Crows Insight | Nippon TV

I tried drawing the lottery of the advancing giant | INS-MAGAZINE.NET

◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
Inspiron 15 7000 series 15 inch laptop computer | Dell Japan

House "Adult Tonari Corn Sweet Suite" Launched in the Tohoku area only from January 12th | News Release | Company Information | House Food

· Previous headline
Headline news on January 8, 2015 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by logc_nt