An action movie that decides brilliant drift driving just like Ken · Block "KEN BOX'S CRAZY CART GYMKHANA TWO"

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Skillfully manipulate the 650 horsepower monster machine and mass produce extreme action movies that blast out with flashy driftKEN BLOCK (Ken · Block)However, I will show Ken · Block which makes me show brilliant drift as good as thatInspireA movie to "KEN BOX'S CRAZY CART GYMKHANA TWO"Has been released. A movie with high quality that you do not think is parody is worth seeing at first sight.



"Blue Rock"Sponsored. It is a logo design that I saw somewhere.

It is the same as Ken Brock's movie to present 'CONCEPT:' first.

Basketball and ......

To the police car ... ....

Containers and forklifts etc. appear to appear.

Driver to board the machine. I am wearing a racing suit.

I wear sunglasses to Jet Hell. Somehow, Ken / Block resembles ... ....

I also prepared for racing gloves.

But the machine is this "KEN BOX" box. Ken · Block 's Ford "FIESTA ST RX 43" has been depicted.

Punching hands with a bang penetration.

Engine ON!

Check the side brake (hand brake).

KEN BOX said that 0-12 MPH acceleration is 6.9 seconds (6.9 seconds to about 20 km / h)

Still on the starting grid.

High-pitched exhaust note.

I started drifting while making the wheel spin.

This is a picture of the driver's eyes. Pylon in front.

Pass through the pylon just behind the car ... ...

Pull the side brake all at once ......

To drift.

Pass through the pylon in drift.

Enter the port as it is.

I was surprised to find out what the security guards of the gorillas they fell asleep, and they got up.

I found a container that was lifted forward.

Stop bothering me ......

I will pass under the container in drift state.

Gunt sounds.

If you look closely, there is no GoPro attached to the right side of the helmet. It seems that they blew in contact with the container.

Basketball hung by rope appeared.

Hey behind!

The basketball which was hijiki shook the goal net brilliantly. Well, I do not have a lie.

I found a small obstacle.

I will go through as a matter of course.

Even if it gets out, it is still a pylon.

Let's get drifted ...

Pass through the tail to lick the pylon.

Drifting and spinning.

A police car appeared at that time.

P.I.G.S! Is it?

This was the gorilla machine of the previous time. Moreover, minicar ... ....

Gorilla police to discover KEN.

Sorry! And sudden turning ...

I thought that I would do, I turned around the gorilla with a donut turn.

Tsuya erase black "Murcielago"Looking around the patrol car is exactly like the movie of Ken Brock.

Ira standing gorilla.

I stretched out my hand to catch it, but KEN was drowning out with Sulley because it was too much.

A staggering gorilla. Get off the police car ... ....

Running and chasing out.

KEN escapes between narrow containers.

After swirling around in front of the gap ......

Go to a side street. A considerable doraTech.

Bombing also in the back.

Gorilla looking for KEN from high place.

It seems they have found out.

Get on a different car ... ....

I turned on patrol lights.

Apparently it seems to be chasing after a cart.

Meanwhile, at that time KEN had a jumping table in front of him.

Jump in a state where the car is facing sideways.

It is a splendid jump of Ken's block.

Gorilla police has caught up.

I'm pretty pretty.

Gorilla cart also jumps!

Search for a way to escape while turning.

I ran into the gap between the containers.

Kart is a dead end here.

Gorilla regrets.

However, I will run to a different car without giving up.

Engine ON.

Put in 1st speed and start!

Vehicles chased by gorilla police are trailers that pull large containers.

KEN against the trailer coming ... ...

I will thrust in.

I crawled under the trailer.

It is an action that makes Jackie · Chen pass through under the trailer.

Although it is KEN which passed through brilliantly ... ...

What a steady circle turn around so as to play under the trailer.

Bring it to the tire.

After playing I ran away as "Baibai".

A gorilla that jumps off the trailer.

I will pursue persistently.

A forklift in the middle of lifting the container forward.

KEN trying to pass under the lift.

Hanamichi passed.

Gorilla is ...

As promised.

Apparently it seemed to be a game.

Ken who escaped this face with a banana in one hand.

Getting off the machine ......

I removed "exterior" and left.

This is the inside of KEN BOX. Razor developed "CRAZY CARTIt was a drift cart machine.

A brilliant action run by Ken Brock's parody movie seems to be said to have succeeded in showing a lot of high performance of CRAZY CART.CRAZY CARTIt is on sale at 98,000 yen (tax included) on | Regular Imports RAZOR Crazy Cart (Black & Red) | Sports & Outdoor Mail Order

In addition, this is the original movie of "KEN BOX'S CRAZY CART GYMKHANA TWO". It has become Ken / Block quality as ever.


in Vehicle,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log