Reactions of those who ate McDonald 's breakfast for the first time

ByPaul David

The baby who ate the lemon for the first timeI started crying and laughingAlthough it shows various reactions, even if you become an adult, "first experience" exists. So, a movie that collects what kind of reaction the person who ate the McDonald's morning menu for the first time exactly is released.

People Try McDonald's Breakfast For The First Time - YouTube

Four people at first all experience McDonald's breakfast this time. First, Amelia. I heard he eats McDonald itself, but he said that he was not drawn to the morning menu so far.

An Australian Islay is a woman who has never eaten McDonald 's itself.

Zak, the only man, is a Burger King school, so McDonald's breakfast is unexperienced.

In the end is Kate who says not eating McDonald 's thing after eating at the age of 16.

First of all I will eat sausages that are not on sale in JapanBurrito.

"I never ate a burrito for breakfast," Islay said.


Amelia says, "What is in there?"

The first word I tried eating for the time being "...... not"

"I do not want to swallow" It seems that Burrito did not like it.

Meanwhile, Islay made a positive comment that "I think it is delicious."

It was Kate who commented that "the egg itself tastes".

"I knew it was delicious, so I avoided eating," Zak says he was avoiding McDonald's to get through the Burger King school.

The next thing to eat is Mac griddle which is also on sale in Japan.

"It looks really disgusting," Kate said.

Mr. Zack says "It looks cute" and Mr. Kate is a true opposite comment.

Amelia says "What is in there?" Here as well as being concerned about contents.

While disassembling the Mac griddle, "just sandwiching meat in a pancake containing syrup is strange!"

"This is raisins ......?" Amelia is on a slight trip ... ...

At the moment I ate it, I misunderstood "Genius ... ...."

Mr. Zack indicated with "a syrup that the head is killed with a head" with a gesture.

It is McMuffin that I will continue to eat.

Islay comments that it is "very tasty."

However, "It looks like a cheese is a yellow adhesive".

Kate was also very similar to "plastic like" about cheese.

Mr. Zach, who is too free to "drop too much bread" and drop the upper buns on the wrapping paper.

"DemeterShe seems to be receiving a kiss of. Burrito, return the burrito. "

Amelia who was criticizing Burrito's opinion is "not so bad," contrary to Zak.

Also in Japan it is on sale from April 2, 2014Big breakfast deluxeIt is the next menu.

"This syrup is extremely attractive," Islay raises tension.

Amelia said, "I have never eaten syrup before," a voice flied from the outfield without thinking "I have never had it!"?

Islay wearing syrup to the last drop, "I will syrup like Americans do." It is exciting.

Kate says "Pancakes are not bad."

However, Zack says again that "This is not the taste of pancakes," again.

Islay said "This English muffin is nice.VegemiteI want to eat with it "and seemed to like English muffin rather than pancake.

It is sold as hash brown in the end and hash potato in Japan.

Mr. Zach, whose desk is supposed to be amazing, is everyone's opinion agreeable?

The movie was planned for viral mediaBuzzFeedIn the comment section, "How have you never ate a burrito for breakfast" or "I have never eaten syrup", are they aliens? How do you find BuzzFeed like this? " Voices of doubt. In addition, this movieAmericans' reactions when they first eat Indian sweetsYaReactions when Americans tried eating a unique snack in JapanIt is now in series, "I want to see the reaction when I first eat" is now being recruited.

in Video,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log