Mr. Christian Bale of movie "Dark Knight" appointed to role of Jobs in Apple's Steve Jobs biography movie

movies"Social networkI wrote a script inAaron SokinMr. Steve Jobs' biography movie of Mr. Apple working as the next work, movie "dark Knight"Batman role - American version movie"Howl's Moving CastleKnown as Howl's roleChristian BaleIn an interview I revealed that he appointed Mr. Jobs as a role.

Christian Bale Did not Have to Audition for Jobs Film Role - Bloomberg

Mr. Sorkin's interview can be confirmed from the following movie.

Aaron Sorkin: Christian Bale 'Will Crush' Steve Jobs Role - YouTube

Mr. Sawkin said, "I was looking for an actor who can perform the best performance for the age of Jobs appearing in the movie, the answer was veil," he said that he did not audition on appointment of Mr. Bale It revealed. Also, in the movie, there is no scene where Mr. Bale does not appear, it is necessary to memorize more speech than ordinary movies, it seems to be a very difficult role for Mr. Bale.

In response to Mr. Bale playing the role of Jobs, American cable TV program "Conan", A parody movie" If Dark Knight is Steve Jobs, it feels like this "has been released.

Sneak Preview: Christian Bale As Steve Jobs - CONAN on TBS - YouTube

Bruce · Wayne is doing polishing work in the underground work room.

It was not Battaran that was polished, Apple's logo.

Alfred Pennyworth "Why are you sharpening Apple's logo?"

Wayne "Because Apple is scared, Alfred"

Pennyworth "Let's carry a button that you can click here, let's name it a mouse!"

Batman "I am Steve Jobs!"

Batman "You knew how easy it is to use the Mac !?" Man "I never knew at all! Swear to God!"

Batman "Take me to the Mac now!"

Bain: "Why did you come back to Apple?"

Batman "I went back to Apple to defeat you, Bill Gates"

Guy "Goufu, I do not think anyone wants a mobile phone with a small computer"

Batman "I call it" iPhone "!"

It was Batman who flew away shouting "And dead! Goodbye!"

In addition, Mr. Walter Isaacson 's book "Steve Jobs I"The movie based on"Train spotting"Or"Slumdog Millionaire"Mr. Danny Boyle will serve as a director and photography will start in a few months.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log