"Dark Knight" director's science fiction movie "Interstellar" released the latest video

Christopher Nolan's SF movie "Interstellar (Interstellar)"Released the latest video ahead of the release on November 7 (Friday).

Interstellar Movie - Official Trailer 3 - YouTube

Cooper of the hero who discovers the drone and marf of the daughter

Earth in a desolated state

From the Earth where the food is short and the human race has been destroyed, we will travel to the universe by saying "There must be stars that can live"

The hero Cooper must leave the daughter to travel to space

"You are the best pilot so far"

"Save the earth"

I will travel the galaxy

Cooper that I arrived somewhere

"We have a mission"

"My mission will not succeed"

"You have to decide, will you see the children again ...?"


"Do you want to save humanity?"

The man in the image is directed by Christopher Nolan. Interstellar has become a masterpiece for the first time the director handles after the completion of the "Dark Knight" series.

Not only images but also images are released. 3 people wearing space suit.

A state on the earth.

Three people land on the unknown planet.

It is Ann Hathaway who plays the brand who travels with Cooper who Matthew McConaughey is impersonating.

In addition, disclosure in Japan is Saturday, November 22, 2014.

Movie "Interstellar" Official Site

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log