"GIF DANCE PARTY" to make original dance party by combining GIF animation

You can search for GIF animation list preview and get embedded code "GIPHY"You can produce your own chaotic dance party using dance GIF animation gathered in"GIF DANCE PARTY"is.


If you look at the following movie, you can see what it is possible to do with "GIF DANCE PARTY".

I made an original dance party with GIF DANCE PARTY - YouTube

The top page of GIF DANCE PARTY is Kore. A small girl and Rilakkuma are dancing from the beginning.

By clicking on this dancer GIF, you can change the position and size, copy and delete GIF, and delete it.

GIF placement change can be done by drag & drop.

You can change the size of the GIF freely from the lower right of the selection frame.

It is like this if you put Rilakkuma horizontally.

Click "CLONE" in the lower left ... ....

You can copy GIFs.

The newly created GIF is displayed at the front, but if you want to change the layer order by yourself, click "BACK" and "FRONT" displayed in the upper right when GIF is selected.

By using this you can freely change the display order of GIF animation.

And when you click "x" displayed in the upper left ... ...

You can delete the GIF.

In addition, you can change the background by clicking "DANCEFLOOR" in the upper left of the page.

Click "ADD DANCER" ......

You can also join other dancers.

And songs that flow in the background can be changed from "SELECT SONG".

In addition, you can share the dance party you created from "SHARE YOUR PARTY".

If you use such GIF DANCE PARTY, you will have a fun dance party at the station home ... ...

It is also possible to let people, robots and relaxers dance together to Yeti.

in Review,   Web Service,   Video, Posted by logu_ii