A strong man who created a 1 KB storage device that actually operates in Minecraft appeared

Sandbox type game "Minecraft"The user can freely create buildings,Create the world of the ghibliOr,The Danish government reproduces the landHowever, this time, a user who created a 1 KB storage device that actually operates appeared.

Fully Functional 1 KB Hard Drive in Vanilla Minecraft - Imgur

It was the user called smellystring who made 1 KB of storage device in Minecraft, and said that the whole device used about 8000 blocks.

Smellystring's memory, Minecraft'sRedstoneA circuit element called a torch, which transmits a signal, is used. Looking at the following image, you can see that the signal is transmitted from the red stone torch installed at the far left, passing through the middle block.

If you change the middle block to a glass block that does not pass the signal, the signal will not be transmitted to the block installed on the right.

The following devices were made using blocks that let through signals and blocks that do not pass. A signal is sent from the lower left stick, and the device which pushes and pulls green and glass blocks operates, and the "ON" "OFF" switch is switched. Smellystring created a storage device using this mechanism and binary data consisting of "0" and "1". As for what it says, "0" when the glass block blocks the signal, "0" being switched off, "1" being on when the block passes the signal is saved in each block It is that.

In the memory device actually created, the above devices are aligned as narrowed.

Here is the part that reads and writes the data in which 8 devices are arranged. By switching the switch of the device, data is being read and written.

Looking from the top, it looks like a chip.

The signal is transmitted through the conductor wrapped around there.

This facility is a control room, for example, you can execute a command to load data of a specific place.

The light stated as "Ready" "Busy" has a function that lights up to let you know the status of the device.

I do not know why smellystring created storage devices in Minecraft, but the tremendous time and effort it took for inspiration and creation is a work that transcends the truth.

in Game, Posted by darkhorse_log