Russia asks Apple for access to the source code, what is its purpose?

ByNopporn Kungsapichart

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 11:08 Aug 01, 2014, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Invasion of CrimeaAnd in the east of Ukraine over Donetsk StateMalaysian aircraft shooting down caseAs in 2014, there are a series of ups and downs in the vicinity of Russia. That Russia is a huge IT company, Apple and a German-based software companySAPI was requesting access rights to the source code for.

Russia wants Apple, SAP to cooperate against foreign spying | Reuters

Russia asked Apple and SAP for access to source code because Mr. Nikolai Nikiforov of the country's telecommunications minister at the end of July asked Peter Engrob Nielsen of Apple's Russian headquarters and Viceanslav of SAP Russia When I met with Orekhov. According to Reuters, Russia has requested both companies access to source code for reasons to clarify whether Apple and SAP products used around the world are not used as spy action tools against Russia It is that.

ByP L.

Reuters said that "Russia demanded access to Apple and SAP, which have been through a thoroughly confidentiality principle against their products, that measures against the fact that the US and the EU are trying to rigid sanctions on Ukraine issues to Russia There is a possibility of it. " On July 29, the United States revealed that economic sanctions imposed on Russia's energy and financial industry will be expanded to VTB Bank, Moscow Bank and Russian Agricultural Bank, and the EU said that Russia's financial and defense We have already agreed to impose economic sanctions on fields.

A report of the meeting that Mr. Nikiforov requested access to Apple and SAP said in a report on "the access right is to protect personal information of consumers and corporate users and for Russian national interest on security It is written that it is written.

Mr. Nikiforov cited Microsoft, which provides source code for Windows products to Russia from 2003, seems to have asked both companies access to the source code and said, "Companies that can not share source code with the Russian government There is a possibility that the product of the product is not worthy of trust "was mentioned in the report.

ByNils Geylen

As of writing, Apple and SAP have not announced comments on the same issue.

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log