What is 18 horse hamburger of fear that you can send a hospital by eating a bite and getting your feet gurgled?

There are many people who are highly resistant to "hotness" in the world,Snack confectionery with spicy spirits instantly at the moment of eatingOr eat by betting life"Guillotine fried rice [God]" containing 100 hot chili peppers that can not be made without wearing a dust mask & gogglesThere are people who try to challenge, but in England people who tried challenging spicy burgers happened to have their eyes turned off and transported by ambulance.

Burger puts two Argus reporters in hospital (From The Argus)

Hot, Hot, Hot: Spicy Burger Sends Two British Men to Hospital - NBC News.com

The name of the hamburger is "XXX Hot Chilli Burger(Triple X Hot Chili Burger) "which is located in the southern part of London and is located in the city of Hobu, a local hamburger shop" Burger Off "is served.

And it was a challenge to the hamburger and it was "damaged"The ArgusAaron Hendy reporter and Ruwari Ballat reporter. The expression of the two people who looked frustrated seems to tell everything.

Two reporterstrip advisorVisited the shop to taste the hamburger of the store which has been selected as "Top 10 restaurants in the area" and ordered XXX Hot Chili Burger. The two who got hung up on the ordered hamburger had fallen into a situation where they felt physical condition due to the hardness of the shock.

When Ballack reporter broke the hamburger, he said that after several minutes it was hit by intense stomach pain. I lost my sense of hand and my legs were peeling and finally the white eyes were peeled and I got caught in an emergency transportation by an ambulance to the local Royal Sussex County Hospital. Likewise, Hendy, who had been eating a hamburger, also said that after 2 hours, he complained of similar symptoms and was taken to the hospital again.

A Barat reporter asked about the situation at that time, "I could not walk anymore, I wanted to pour milk in order to suppress the tingling sensation, but I did not listen to what the hands said", he tells the moment of fear. One Hendi reporter also looked back on the experiences of the shock, "I told the surrounding people" I'm going to die "to so much pain," I was shameful but I thought so much about that. This hamburger I'd advise the reader that if you are thinking of challenging you, you should definitely stop it. "

Vacation RentalsSo, although it is the same store that got a good rating mostly, as raw materials included in XXX Hot Chili BurgerTingleIt is said that paste concentrated 5 tons of pepper named "1 kg" is used, and its hardness is estimated to be a tremendous amount of 700 to 9 million Scoville. Normal Tabasco sauce is 2,500 to 5,000 Scoville, even 350,000 Scoville in Habanero that is "Hot Spicy""Carolina · Reaper" with the world's worst hotnessBut it is 3 million Scoville, and compared with the fact that the riot police and other teams use 5,000,000 squirrel as a tear-drop spray for riot control, I can understand that abnormality.

The following tweets show what happens when XXX Hot Chili Burger is being made. A dubious object is painted on the patty ......

Even the official tweet of Burger Off is tweeting as "Another victim of XXX Hot Chili Burger appeared (^ ^)". Beside the man is a large bottle containing milk, and behind it is a lid of a bottle that is thought to have been thrown away.

Burger Off offering this hamburger is asking to write a pledge when challenging a hamburger. Mr. Gambardela said, "I try to fulfill my responsibilities as a store, I do not sell to young people 18 years old or younger and I am not selling to alcohol drinkers," even though he says " While selling the product, I urge the customer not to order as much as possible at the same time.When I eat it, I will spoil the weekend, "I do not know well I do not know well I do not know the comment It is.

The price of this XXX Hot Chili Burger is 3 pounds and 90 pence (about 670 yen), so when you actually order, please take responsibility at your own risk.

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log