Christian Bale will become Moses of the Ten Commandments Greatest film "Exodus: Gods and Kings" latest trailer

Director Ridley Scott said in the Old Testament "ExodusOne big big movie that draws on the theme "Exodus: Gods and Kings"The latest trailer is released. From the trailer you can see that Christian Bale plays the role of Moses and Joel Edgerton plays Ramesses II and the two tightly-connected friendships are broken.

Exodus: Gods and Kings - Movie Trailers - iTunes

Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014) Trailer

Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014) Official Trailer # 1, Christian Bale - YouTube

Moses of the Ten Commandments played by Christian Bale.

"Did not you say that this is not the cause?"

"Did not I say that this was not your fault?"

What happened between Moses and Ramesses II ... ...

Colliding cavalry corps

It is Ramesses II and Moses who are confronted with each other

The fate that two people are involved

Moses and Ransses II staring at each other

Two people who have lived together since childhood

Even if I become an adult, the friendship of the two people did not disappear.

It is also because they are rivals and friends because they also face swords.

Egypt was the one that brought about the growth of Moses and Ramses 2.

There was always Ramesses II near Moses.

It seems that the time has come to finally end the relationship between two people like brothers.

This woman watching Moses and Ramesses II's appearance ......

A big storm coming

Did Ramesses II not anticipate a storm?

Egypt also gets into confusion.

A large army of cavalry troops starts a big move

The fight of the battle was cut off and dropped.

Moses and Ramses 2, and the destiny of Egypt?

"Exodus: Gods and Kings" will be released in the United States on 12th December 2014.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log