Disney resumes selling overnight after announcing discontinuation of online sales at iTunes

On July 9, 2014, Walt Disney Japan Co., Ltd. suspended on-demand sales of Disney related works at iTunes, but it was clear that the sale was resumed on July 10, 2014, after overnight became.

News | Disney Movies / Blu-ray & DVD

http://disney-studio.jp/news/bddvd_detail.jsp?id=1995 - 2014年7月9日 10:26 - ウェブ魚拓

This remained in the web fisheryPresented yesterdayContents. "We were unable to reach the final agreement with iTunes on the on-demand sales service and could not continue to sell the Disney related work, so we have July 8, 2014, and iTunes in the Japanese market We have decided to cancel on-demand sale of Disney related work through ", announced the cancellation of on-demand sales.

And today'sAnnouncementThere is this. "We have been able to resume on-demand sales of Disney-related work through iTunes in the Japanese market that we were waiting for a while", and sales have been resumed only overnight.

On-demand sales of Disney related work has already resumed in the iTunes Store already.

It seems that the on-demand sale stops only for a short time from July 8th to the 9th, but what kind of exchange was done between Disney and Apple in resuming selling immediately after sudden change, circumstances It is a place to worry about.

in Note,   Web Service,   Anime, Posted by darkhorse_log