What kind of organization really is the Internet · archive that records and stores every information on the Internet?
A nonprofit organization that saves information on the Internet that will disappear immediately after birth and provides researchers and historians with materials free of chargeInternet Archive. There are many people who do not know what kind of organization even if I have heard of the name The inside of the headquarters and organizations of the Internet · archive is made public and the operatorBrewster KaleHe talks about future ambitions and concerns about the Internet.
Meet the People Behind the Wayback Machine, One of Our Favorite Things About the Internet | Mother Jones
You can see the Internet · Archive Headquarters and the interview from the following movies.
The Internet Archive's Quest for All Knowledge - YouTube
Information on the Internet and digitized information are different from physical mediaWeak point that preservation is difficult and disappears immediatelythere is. The same can be said for not only individual websites but also major companies, "Google Video"Or"Yahoo! Video cast"Apple's Personalized Paid Cloud Service"MobileMeWebsites that were once in operation such as "are currently closed. In 1996, in order to preserve such a website that is going to disappear one after anotherBrewster KaleA nonprofit founded by Mr.The Internet Archive(Internet Archive).
It is a cache data browsing serviceWay back machineTo save Web page information as it was archived in the past, the Internet archive stores millions of e-books, TV programs, movies, songs, documents, software titles, etc., You can investigate "What was the form of this website in 1996?" Or find valuable recorded files that you can not find even if you search for it.
For example, "1996"Mother Jones"The website looks something like this.

2003. The design changes little by little.


And as of 2014.

The headquarters of the Internet archive was placed at Presidio in San Francisco, California in 2009.

The building itself was built in 1923, there is a chapel on the second floor, a chair is lined up on the floor to be seen frequently in the church, and a podium is placed on the stage in front of the hall.

And not a real person, but a doll about half the size of a human being is long and it is lined up together.

What is different from the ordinary church is that the server racks are lined up side by side with walls.

A server rack that gives off a strange presence in a classical church.

It is also placed in a room of a homely atmosphere where bright sunlight plugs in.

In the chapel,Aaron SwartzThe dolls were also decorated.

Mr. Aaron Swartz, a programmer and an Internet activist, is conducting "activities against the" privatization "of knowledge,Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyI injured society by downloading a lot of articles and papers from the database of academic papers by unauthorized access to the website of MIT, but after this case was charged and psychologically chased downIt is seen as committed suicide.
"They should be ashamed, I think that this symbol is a symbol of the old world and the old approach collapsing in the near future Some organizations based on ideas restricted limitations It is made and it will not be able to fly freely due to the restriction, "Kale said.

Mr. Kale is opposed to restricting access to knowledge, but also strongly supports the privacy right of Internet users.
In 2007, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a National Security Letter (NSL) asking Internet Archives to submit the name, address and website usage history of a registered user, . In response, Mr. Kale filed a lawsuit against the constitutionality of NSL on the basis of "the Internet archive is a" library "accepted from the state of California. And as a result of the lawsuit, FBI withdrew NSL and agreed to publish part of the document.
Although it is unusual that libraries appeal the government, the relationship between FBI and the Internet archive has not deteriorated in this case, and the Internet archive is the American national libraryLibrary of CongressWe also provide services such as web cloning and book scanning, and the Patent and Trademark Office seems to be using a wayback machine.

One of the fastest growing areas in the Internet archive is "TV news archive." In the United States, 65 news channels out of a week are running domestic and international news, and servers of Internet archive record them. According to Roger McDonald who handles the project,Closed CaptionIf you broadcast using data, it will be possible to retrieve program data from all over the world, but since most of the networks of television and cable do not want to use closed caption data, the task of enabling Internet archive to search video It is said that they are doing. Thus, for example,Harvard UniversityAnd MIT scholars said "MediaTravon Martin incidentWhen I studied "How did you communicate", I was able to investigate the TV news archive using closed caption data and to grasp the flow of things.
And one of the quick-growing TV news and archives has been sent from Michael Meteritz, who knows the activities of Internet archives in 2013, a message saying "Please receive 40,000 tapes" about. According to Mr. Meteritz, "Although my mother died, she continues to record news in Philadelphia and Boston for 35 years, and I am in trouble with the placement of tapes after my mother passed away." McDonald first thought that it was a misprint to the number "40,000 books", but received a video mountain from Mr. Meteritz.

For TV news and archives, which was launched in 2000, for McDonald and others who were having trouble collecting past news, this was like gold bullion. Not only is the tape in good condition, it is recorded with closed caption data,MetadataIt was able to get.
But digitizing and recording a large volume of video tapes stored in Richmond, California is an endless work, and McDonald's says, "What's in there yet? There is only it. "

This is the place to store physical data in Richmond.

Servers are lined up also here.

Going through a narrow passage ......

A book that appears in large quantities.

The room is filled with cardboard filled with books and videotapes etc.

Looking at the physical data from the top of the room is like this.

About San Francisco City with headquarters Mr. Kale considers "There is not enough infrastructure for Internet communication yet", and since 1998, "SFLan" which provides free Wi-Fi in San Francisco City Running a nonprofit project called. Kale says that data collection is just an antenna for free internet broadcasting.
Many other projects are taking place, for example, due to the inflow of technology companies, the city of San Francisco is considerably overpowered for housing supply, but the idea of "open source", the concept of the technology industry, We also apply to the housing market and Mr. Kale thinks to solve this problem. The Internet archive unites with other nonprofit organizations and has purchased 11 blocks of 6 blocks, and plans to offer it to employees who move at the end of 2014 without rent. Mr. Kale 's dream is to change 5% of all housing supply to a free house to support people working in the non - profit sector.
While raising a big ambition, on the other hand "Network neutralityIs lost or the monopoly of the net happens, "magic" which we saved on the Internet for decades will disappear. Because the government depends on commercial companies, we can not wait for the government to take action, "Mr. Kale is concerned about the Internet's danger. As for the way of the current Internet, "I have time to wake up in the morning and become somewhat optimistic when I decline seriously." And "When conflict happens, it is said that" you should know what you are on your side ", but I know which side the internet archive is on," he added.
Internet archive will be archived in October 2012It has reached 10 petabytesMr. Kale predicts that the data capacity currently held by the way back machine is about 15 petabytes.
Alexandria LibraryThere is an ancient library built for collecting literature around the world, but Mr. Kale aims at the second Alexandria Library. As data grows with time, it seems difficult to store all the literature in the world, but considering the increase in the amount of data being stored, the future where the Internet archive becomes the second Alexandria library is so It seems not to be far.
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