Enable downloading charged materials for a total of 8800 yen for free April 2014 Envato material series
We provide high-quality materials used by companies and official websitesEnvatoEvery month from each material site operated by, a material is provided free of charge. In April 2014, you can get materials equivalent to 8800 yen in total, including After Effects project file, XML photo gallery template, high sound quality sound source, 3D model material etc. for free.
In order to download the material for free, it is necessary to create an account and login, please first make a free account by referring to the following page and download the page will be completed as you visit each page.
How to download a commercially available paid site template file for free from "ThemeForest" - GIGAZINE

The free materials of April 2014 are as follows.
◆Graphics - Pixel's | GraphicRiver
Selling photoshop PSD files, vector format files, icons, add-ons etc.GraphicRiver", PSD file of pixel art of usually 7 dollars (about 700 yen)"Pixel's"Is provided free of charge.

Software that allows you to design sites for PCs and mobile sites without codingAdobe MuseYou can check how you use Pixel's with the following movie.
Pixel's.avi - YouTube
◆PHP Scripts - PHP Radio Stations Database | CodeCanyon
PHP · JavaScript · ASP.NET · Java source code file downloadable "CodeCanyonFrom PHP script to make a database of radio stations usually $ 14 (about 1400 yen) "PHP Radio Stations DatabaseFree download available.

◆After Effects Project Files - Wedding Story Presentation | VideoHive
Working with After Effects project files, loops, movie materials etc.VideoHive", You can easily create a wedding movie (profile movie) screened at a wedding ceremony"Wedding Story Presentation"Is provided free of charge. Wedding Story Presentation is usually a product of $ 30 (about 3000 yen).

Adobe'sAfter EffectsTwo types of movies, Full HD (1920 × 1080) and Half HD (1280 × 720), can be made using. Please note that the sound source is not attached so be careful.
◆Music - Inspiration | AudioJungle
Selling royalty-free BGM and sound effects etc. "AudioJungleYou can download free music files of 17 dollars (about 1700 yen) (5.14 MB MP3 format file, 2 minutes 14 seconds with 22.6 MB wave format).

◆Balls - Stock Photo | PhotoDune
Aligning various image materials "PhotoDune", The photograph that normally orders 3 dollars (about 300 yen)BallsYou can get the size of 2560 x 1600.

◆3D Models - Mirror | 3DOcean
Sales of 3D models · textures · materials etc.3DOcean"From the usual 3D model of the mirror of $ 5 (about 500 yen)"Mirror"Is free.

◆Flash - Creative Photo Gallery | ActiveDen
"We are selling various Flash components"ActivedenFrom the XML photo gallery "usually 12 dollars (about 1200 yen)"Creative Photo Gallery"Is available for free download.

So, this month we have downloaded seven types of materials equivalent to $ 7 + $ 14 + 30 Dollars + $ 17 + $ 3 + $ 5 + $ 12 = $ 88 (about 8800 Yen) free of charge. Please note that the above material files can be downloaded free of charge until April 30th local time.
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in Software, Web Service, Video, Design, Posted by darkhorse_log