Movie thief camera men & pattramp Men figures have been photographed

"NO MORE Movie thief"Appears in the campaign CM"Camera Man"When"Patramp manBandai as a lineup of S. H. Fuzzy seriesTo sellSo, I saw the real thing that was exhibited at the Wonder Festival 2014 [Winter] held on February 9.

A camera man who shoots perfectly with the head camera.

Shooting at a movie theater is a prohibited act.

Camera Man is taking a picture secretly from the back of the wall.

In order to crack down prohibited acts in the cinema, Patlamp man appeared with Shakin.

Patatamp man who was alive with the feeling that he decided to pose right now.

Patlamp man who poses as soon as saying "I found a violator!"

A patamuffu man feathered the camera man who was filming the movie from behind.

The battle between the camera man and the patrump man is full of dynamism.

Since the camera man of "NO MORE movie thief" and the figure of a male patrump man are movable, it is possible to play and decorate with various poses. Both the camera men and the patrump men are scheduled to be released in August 2014 with a tax of 3,000 yen.

in Coverage,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log