I tried drinking canned coffee "boss green" of Tokuho (food for specified health use)

Speaking of Tokuho (food for specified health use)Healthya green tea, Which is approved by the Consumer Agency, represented by "Foods that indicate that certain health objectives can be expected"It is sold as containing health functional ingredients that affect physiological functions of the body. On Tuesday, January 21, Suntory released a canned coffee of Tokuho called "boss green" as a new product of a canned coffee "BOSS" brand, so I bought and drank it.

"Boss green (food for specified health use)" New release Suntory Food International

The package of boss green is like this. Design based on green.

Marks for specified health use foods are printed, and it explains "to those who care for body fat" and "to suppress absorption of fat".

When you purchase a specific Suntory product and save points, you get a medical dog exam ticket etccampaignWe are doing.

The raw material is not much different from canned coffee common with milk, coffee, emulsifier, fragrance, sweetener.

The calorie is 31 kcal per 185 g, 34 kcal per 100 gBoss Super BlendCompared with low calories.

Suppress fat absorption in the small intestineCoffee beans Manno oligosaccharideIt is said that when you drink at a meal, you can expect an effect if you drink it once a day.

I will pour it into the cup.

The color is not much different from coffee with milk which is on the market in particular.

When we say food for specified health use, because the health effect is emphasized, the taste may be impossible, but it does not change much from ordinary canned coffee in particular, and in the case of canned coffee of the fine sugar type which smells coffee fragrance, It seems to be hot or ice. In the part of taste, coffee that can be bought at convenience stores is becoming high quality at a low price, so it may be inferior to it.

The price is 136 yen plus tax, which is a little cheaper than the 149 yen tax of Herusia coffee, which is also Tokuho's coffee. It seems that health effects can not be expected unless it is drunk continuously, but it seems to be an indulgence mark when it eats too much.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log