18 infographic that clearly shows the difference between oriental and western lifestyle

BySam Howzit

There are a lot of people who have been shocked by the differences in common sense and customs that are too far between Japan and overseas while traveling overseas or talking to foreign friends. Yang Liu, a graphic designer who was born in China and living in Germany since he was 14 years old, seemed to have felt the difference between common sense and customs between China and Germany, and 18 differences between these two cultural areas It expresses it as an infographic graphic.

East Meets West: An Infographic Portrait by Yang Liu | bSix 12 - Do what makes you happy!

The blue part of the infographic graphic represents the Western lifestyle represented by Germany, the red part represents the oriental lifestyle represented by China.

◆ Lifestyle
Individualism in Germany, collectiveism in China.

◆ Approach to time
It is said that Chinese people loose in time.

At the party ◆
Will it be possible to create multiple groups or a single large group?

◆ Ideal for beauty
It is said that sunburning in Germany shows that it is a person who can afford money and time enough to go on a trip to a warm place.

◆ How to spend the elderly day by day
The elderly in Germany seems to take a dog walk, the elderly in China spend with the grandchildren.

The boss
In China, my boss has more power.

◆ Noise level at restaurant
The German restaurant is quiet and the Chinese restaurant seems quite noisy.

◆ Problem solving method
It seems that there is a desire to avoid problems in China.

◆ Strength of ego
It seems that the strength of German people is not a ratio of Chinese people.

◆ How the Chinese and Germans look at each other
Speaking of Germany, it seems to be reminiscent of beer and wiener.

◆ How to arrange
Please make a row!

An opinion
For Germans with a very simple idea, the Chinese come back and forth in complex thought.

◆ How to leave memories when traveling
Which is better is people, but also in Japan, the impression that the camera school makes a difference.

◆ Relationship
This is an infograph that expresses a simple relationship between Germans and a Chinese relationship too complex.

◆ Daily meal
In Germany, two of the three meals are finished with simple items such as cereals and sandwiches, which is represented by infographics.

◆ Animals
Animals live a lot of life in Germany, but what on earth does this represent in China ...?

◆ Anger
The Germans put emotions on the table, but Chinese people do not appear on the expression.

◆ Weather and mood
It seems that the weather is not influenced by the Chinese.

Although it is an interesting infographic as an example, even though "Toyo", I feel that there is a big difference in lifestyle between China and Japan.

This infograph is "East Meets WestIt was created as a project called "Yang's interviewIt is also posted. According to the interview, good reactions were obtained from both sides of China and Germany, and discussions on this infographic also occurred on many websites.

in Note, Posted by logu_ii