Robot art "Mechanical Parts" that continues to draw pictures with automatic and unique taste
A graphic project using autonomous automatic drawer robot Robo Faber is "Mechanical Parts"You can continue to generate unique line drawing automatically and randomly according to the size of the paper to be drawn.
Autonomous Drawing Robot by Matthias Dörfelt, Determined to Reproduce
The way that Robo Faber generates line drawings can be seen in the following movie.
Mechanical Parts
This is Robo Faber, a sense of big size unexpectedly.
Automatically run ... ....
Drawing starts at this position.
You can see the chirari and the line under the main body.
As you move a lot, you can see that it is generating mystery line drawings.
The finished line drawing is kore.
Robo Faber uses lines and short lines other than curves to finish painting.
It can draw even on small paper.
Illustrations drawn are as follows.
When removing the body part and expelling the power part, it is like this. A pen is stuck in the red frame part, and it seems that he draws a line with this.
Robo Faber is equipped with two DC motors and tires connected to it, and moves about the two on a circle. customArduino(Microcomputer board easy to use even for beginners) has written code to draw lines based on arbitrary Bezier curves, based on the idea of "How drawing is written by hand" It seems that it is being done.
The line drawings produced are completely random and original.
Matthias Dörfelt who did this art project says, "I truly love the Robo Faber, which in a way is part of my creative thinking.What is Robo Faber drawing for autonomously So even if I do not like the things Robo Faber draws 30 years from now, Robo Faber keeps making my creative as it is now, "he says.
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