I tried "Nissin Yaki soba U. F. O Tonkotsuki soba" which motif of Hakata's grilled ramen

"Tonkotsuki soba" which made long-selling "Nissin-yaki soba U. F. O" a cup-shaped soba noodle specialty and baked noodle style was released on Monday, October 28. As for cup - fried soba mostly it is a source taste, even a commodity which is salty is unusual, but since it can be said that it is quite rare when it becomes a Tonkotsu taste, I bought and tried it.

"Nissin Yaki soba U.F.O. Tonkotsuki soba" New on October 28, 2013 (Monday) | News Release | Company Information | Nissin Foods

The package looks something like this. Regular U.F.O is based on red and black, but it is based on orange and black.

Pictures of Tonkotsu Ramen are printed on the package.

Raw material is like this. You can check fried fish and pork extract.

The calorie is 564 kilocalories per serving, it is about the same as the source taste compared with 560 kcal of Nisshin-yaki soba U. F. O.

Open the vinyl.

When you open it you can see the cooking method written on the lid.

Start cooking according to cooking method. Open the lid first and remove the red ginger and liquid sauce bag.

When opening the lid, you can check the seasoning of pig minced cabbage and cabbage seasoning on the frying seeds.

Put the hot water in the inner line ......

Put the sauce on the lid and warm it up, wait for 3 minutes.

After 3 minutes, put the hot water out of the hot water cut out.

It is like this when cutting hot water. Fry fried noodles and mushrooms are also firmly growing.

Put a liquid sauce ......

I stir. Although the color of the source is slightly brownish, it seems that there is no concentration.

Finally sprinkle red ginger ... ...

Completion It looks like lightly colored fried noodles, but the smell of Tonkats drifts from the fried soba.

Noodle made from thin sauce made from sauce well.

The color of the liquid sauce was a little brownish, but the tasteless flavor with no beast smell. I also felt the taste of garlic, it was pretty bad, it got a little thirsty. Because thin noodles are easy to sip and become fried noodles in oil, you will feel pretty oily when you eat.

Because you can eat somewhat with the pungent taste of red ginger, it is recommended to eat together when you get tired of the taste.

The cabbage feels sweet and it makes a little chopstick rest for fried noodles.

Nissin - yaki soba U.F.O. Tonkotsuki soba is 170 yen without tax. As it is outside Hakata, there are not many restaurants that offer baked ramen, so it is recommended for those who have never eaten or who likes Tonkotsu ramen.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log